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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

My Awesomeness....

It may be hard for you all to believe, given my current level of sheer awesome, but I once used to be a pathetic loser like you too. I'm sure that with some time, faith and practice, one day you may be half as awesome as I am now....

Some people ask how it is that I can be so confident all the time. The truth is, I'm really not. It's just really that I don't give a shit. I've finally discovered that I'm not here to live my life to please everyone.  That I should be living my life to please those that matter, including myself and being able to live with the person that I am. Why should the judgements of those who DON'T matter affect anything that I do or say? I know that despite being an asshole, deep down..... well, maybe REALLY deep down, I happen to be a pretty decent person. I've also come to realize that "confidence" doesn't come from the people around you and the way they treat you. It's something that comes from the individual, REGARDLESS of what's going on around them. Being able to shine despite everything, and I think that's what fucks people up.

I've seen seemingly confident people whither when they thought someone didn't like them or thought badly of them. I've seen them wilt when they were disapprovingly glared at. I've seen the facade crumble when they were confronted. Really? That's all it takes to shake some people. Weak. That's not confidence nor is it "awesome". Get over yourselves. I know what you really are.

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