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Friday, February 22, 2013

Everything with a smile.....

There doesn't have to be a reason for me to hate things. Well, there usually is a pretty damn good reason. Some of the times I can articulate EXACTLY why I hate something. Other times, I can't, but I hate them anyway. Maybe "hate" is too strong a word... Regardless. I cannot honestly say that I live without hate in my heart.

Peas and hummus are a fine example of my hate for something. Blech. The works of the devil himself. I also hate child molesters, puppy kickers, abusers, rapists, murderers, etc... I mean, I am pretty fuckin' sure, we can all agree on that, right? I mean otherwise, get the fuck off my page. No. Seriously. Go. Leave now. I could also get into specific names of people that I'm not too particularly fond of too, but I won't. That really isn't the point of this post.

Does my level of hate change depending on the mood I'm in? Of course. ESPECIALLY if my mood is directly caused by by the thing I hate. Toe stubbing for example. I hate stubbing my toe on something. If I had stubbed my toe on something and were asked if I hate toe stubbing, I think the level of hate would be more like: "I HATE STUBBING MY TOE, SHIT FUCK ASS MOTHER FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT COCK SUCKING TWAT CUNT SHIT FUCK!!!!!!" Different level. It doesn't change the fact that I hate it. There is always that hate. It's always there.

I've tried to let go of those things. Hate is supposed to poison and whatnot and turn things negative and blah, but honestly? I see it as a fuel sometimes. Not like when I wallow in it and seethe and boil and bubble and stew in it, but when I actually use it to drive me forward or pay closer attention or focus or deal with a situation that isn't as bad....

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