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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A child's imagination...

It's fun watching kids play. They come up with the most gosh darnedest of things, I swear! They could be playing with a toy or even a cardboard box and it's some grand adventure in a far off place... It's pretty awesome. It comes complete with the sound effects and the different voices and the multitude of characters with villains and heroes... I love sitting just outside the room to listen in to some of the stuff they come up with... High seas travels, the great battles, a race across a desert, navigating through jungles or some mysterious woods where there lives strange creatures and stranger beings, running across open plains that stretch farther than the eye can see along side wild purple horses and countless other adventures that were had and yet to be had. And of course, they always happen in a magical land not of our world, for in that magical land is where the best adventures are to be had...
Ten years ago, I started writing some of the stuff down. It's what prompted the books I've written. I'm still rewriting and editing, but eventually, they'll wind up as bound books for my kids. One baby step at a time...
As long as they keep coming up with new adventures for me to write down, I suppose there's always going to be stuff for me to write. Kewl!

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