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Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Sometimes I have a hard time getting the kids to eat the vegetables. They make the faces and whine about it and cry... It's great. The peas, I can understand. The other stuff? Well, well balanced meals and all... They've gotta eat 'em.
Neat, stupid trick I learned was to "hide" the veggies into food. Especially the green ones. Jar baby food. Mix it into the everything. Meatloaf, mac and cheese, soup, stew, stroganoff, pasta sauce, taco meat, whatever we're having. They've learned not to ask why the "color is off" since they don't taste anything different. For cryin' out loud, I never thought getting the kids to eat veggies was so friggin' difficult. They get all "YUCK! It's broccoli/ spinach/ cauliflower/ beans/ whatever"... If they're hungry enough, they eat 'em. I'm tired of watching them drown the veggies in tons of ranch dressing or something of the like. Disgusting!
I'm just better off hiding the veggies in the food for the time being and force the veggies down their throats when it's on their plates. They'll come to appreciate the veggies soon enough. I'll pick my battles with them and since I have my own secret weapon, the veggie issue doesn't have to be one.

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