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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Paw prints on our hearts....

I've blogged about Lulu in the past. A sweet chocolate lab that lived down the street from us. The kids and I would visit her often and play out in the yard with her because she was just a cool dog to hang out with. The youngest of the brood used to take naps on the dog bed alongside Lulu. The dog never minded sharing her bed. She'd lay there patiently until the baby woke up so that they could play again. She moved away recently and it kind of broke my heart. And with the recent loss of Otis, it was kind of a devastating blow to be, essentially, losing another dog.

It's no big secret that I like animals more than I like people. I'm not a real fan of people. I am that one weirdo who, at a social gathering, will find the family pet and will hang out with said pet. I will love  and pet all the animals in the household, just to avoid people if I can. Yup. I'm THAT guy. I don't think that it necessarily makes me socially awkward or strange, but yeah. I'm THAT guy.

I thought about all the goggies I have met and have touched my life. All the time I spent on the floor or the ground loving on my pets or other people's pets and on the one hand, it totally crushes my happiness and makes me want to curl up into a little ball and cry forever. On the other, it just brings me such a sense of peace and YAY-ness because of moments that I shared with another living thing that didn't judge me or do much else then to share love with no strings attached.

Don't take those moments for granted. Savor and enjoy them. When they're gone, you really DO start to miss them. A lot. Trust me.

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