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Thursday, November 14, 2013

NO consequences......

I have seen, first hand, what the children who suffer no consequences does. These kids have never been slapped, spanked, grounded or seen things taken away. They have never seen the results of what bad behavior can merit. It's pathetic. It's a parent who lacks balls to actually DO anything, or they lack the spine to follow through because they're afraid of becoming "the bad guy". And make no mistake. The kids catch on to that pretty quickly. And they yell and scream and cry and pitch fits until they get their way once again, because they already know that is going to be the result. They get their way and there will be no consequences. Pathetic.

I'm not saying that it's okay to beat the fuck out of the kids, but a smack upside the head or a spank in the ass certainly won't kill them. REAL consequences like actually taking away things like electronic devices (NO LONGER ALLOWED IN MY HOME, thank you very much. They're kids. They really have no need for handheld gaming systems and iThings. It's fucking sad.), being sequestered and faced with "solitary confinement", not just getting yelled at and threatened, but actually following through. Actions speak louder then words.

DO I become the bad guy? Of course. I mean, Jesus, who else is going to step into the role of "parent" and actually raise my kids? If I don't do it, it's not going to get done.

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