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Monday, November 24, 2014

Rearing styles....

I get that everyone has different opinions about how to raise a child. I'm not talking about those psychopathic child beaters who molest their children or beat them up or kill them. I am talking about normal, sane  parents. It's funny when I meet a kid and can tell EXACTLY the kind of parents they have. Sometimes, parents really don't realize that they end up feeding their paranoias and phobias and crappy behaviors and whatnot to their kids. The subtle or not so subtle nuances in their children's behaviors and demeanors are being shaped and molded by these parents.

You know the type of kids. They won't stick their faces in the water at the pool because maybe the parents aren't comfortable in the water.... Or the kids who complain about everything because they watch their parents do it. Kids with food phobias because the parents are so "ham and American cheese". The kids who aren't very sociable because the parents didn't socialize their kid. The kids who have the pretentious, uppity attitudes because their parents are that way. The racist little bastards being raised by racist big bastards. I could go on forever about this kind of shit. And sadly, you know what I'm talking about.

These are the parents that are afraid of letting their children "go out into the world and discover it for themselves". I'm not talking about letting your kids run amok and without any kind of supervision or "tether to home" or guidelines. I am talking about determining who and what they're supposed to be before they're ever allowed to discover that for themselves. It's not like I'm saying that kids should be without guidance and active parenting. Obviously, children need the firm foundations of what a good person is. Knowing the difference between right and wrong. Growing  up with morals and a conscience. Having solid rules, structure and consistency in their lives in order for them to grow up to be upstanding human beings of substance and proper nature is very important. That comes from active parenting. But not SO many rules and structure that it kills the very thing that you're trying to nurture. Paranoia in the parent breeds paranoia in the child. Whatever the parent harbors, the children feed from. If the parents are greedy, spoiled pieces of shit, the children will become that. THAT kind of shit, I will beat out of my children all day, every day. I'm not going to tolerate whiny, bitchy, malicious behavior. What I am talking about as far as being nurtured are the behaviors that actually make them who they are. What sets them apart. What makes them tick. What defines who they are. The little seed of whatever that eventually grows to reveal the person they become. I believe it to be my job to make sure that they are cared for, taken care of, nurtured, and shown how to grow strong and proud. I've taken it upon myself to make for DAMN sure that they do.

It's a balancing act at best and of course the need for structure and consistency, but being able to bend and flex without compromising the integrity of everything. It's a very careful balancing act. They're children and you can't blame them for what you turn them in to. Fat children can't be blamed for being fat. They're fat because they're taught nothing of nutrition and healthy body weight. Spoiled, whiny, bratty shits can't be blamed for being as such. They were taught to be that way. Hateful little creatures are hateful because that's what they're surrounded by. Fearful, pansy assed pussies are that way because that's what they see... It goes on and on.

All parents have an idea of what they want their children to be, but do everything to turn them into the exact opposite of what they wanted by feeding their children their own fears or laziness, or hate or paranoias or whatever and it's rather disgusting. What makes it worse is when those parents say they're "disappointed" when it's the parents' fault for making them that way..... With that being said, children are still just children. They're going to do stupid things and fuck up from time to time. They're kids. That's how they test boundaries and discover things and see for themselves. Experience is going to be a better teacher in a lot of cases than just being told about something. But if the foundations are laid out properly and the kids have a solid grasp of the things they need to have been taught, it becomes more of a lesson learned than an absolute disaster when it does end up being a fuck up.

Every day brings a new adventure as a parent and active parenting is the way to rear children. Not making excuses for them for fucking up and NEVER for your own inactions and turning them into what they are. I suppose when a generation is being raised by electronic devices and cable and video games and nourished by microwavable junk food and pink slime meals and the children's every whim is being catered to because the parents are just too fucking lazy to get up off of their own fat asses to actually rear their kids, my voice and my opinions can seem rather ridiculous, which is the reason why I have to make sure that I speak even louder and clearer and show with actions, especially to my own children and make sure that they are not strayed into the unknown.

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