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Wednesday, November 12, 2014


I love the sorry attempts of those who call themselves "bitches" trying to be a "bitch". Doing things "just to be a bitch", having some kind of "bitch fit" to get one's way, or just being a "bitch" to try and display one's superiority over another.... Pfft! Pathetic attempts really....

There are certain criteria that must be met in order for one to be able to call themselves a "bitch". Not like one of those stupid bitches, but the ones who have reason to be proud of the fact that they are in fact a "bitch". Not the negative connotation of the word, but the positive one. You know, Beautiful Intelligent Talented Creative Honest or Beautiful Individual that Creates Haters. In the true sense though.... Not the self perceived one. 

To be this sort of a "bitch", one must be able to speak one's mind. Not the kind of inane blather that lacks coherence or intelligence. I am talking about being able to hold one's own in any kind of argument, debate or conversation and can make sense doing so.

Another point is the attitude. I am not talking about the unmerited attitude that the morons put on because they think they're so fucking awesome. I am talking about attitude. That certain confidence that shines through that can be felt by others. The kind that comes from the core of a person. It's not a superiority complex, but it is true and real. Being a loud mouthed, stupid piece of shit with a superiority complex does not a "bitch" make. That just makes you an idiot worthy of my contempt.

Being a self proclaimed "bitch", princess "bitch", queen "bitch", does not make you one either. I will laugh and point and laugh some more. The fact that you have to proclaim yourself to be one and feel the need to point it out to everyone is just pathetic and proves that you have to convince yourself and those around you that you are pretending to be something you're not. Aww.... how cute..... NOT!

:facepalm: The fact that I have to explain all of this is a lesson in futility because people either get it or they don't and likely, they won't anyway... Fuck it. Never mind. As you were...... Yes, yes.... You're a bitch. Okay? Feel better?

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