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Monday, November 17, 2014

Pop and Technology.....

Most people don't know how hard it is to try and explain technology to someone who obviously doesn't get technology or EVER will. You know... Explaining "advancing technologies" to someone who only JUST got a cell phone last year, but still doesn't know how to use it. Explaining the concepts beyond an abacus and counting rocks to someone who only JUST got a computer a few years ago, but still doesn't know how to use it. Explaining that "the world got a little smaller" to someone who only JUST discovered the internet a couple of years ago, but only knows how to surf for free online porn.

Yes. My pop: The technological retard.  Technology is a foreign concept to him. Seriously. This is a guy who blew the door off of the microwave trying to hard boil an egg in a glass of water... The guy who nearly burned down the house making toast in the microwave by putting a piece of bread in it for 15 MINUTES. I mean, pop might manage as long as something doesn't require more than two steps to get done what he needs to. He's somewhat capable then. It's an unfortunate thing though that there are usually more than two steps to get to where you need to get to sometimes. You know... Because when "turning the device on..." counts as step one, well, you're basically fucked. Add in the concept of having to use reason and logic? It's a recipe for disaster. I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm only a few steps above technologically retarded myself, but I'm not as bad as my pop.

Teaching pop ANYTHING takes the patience of a saint. A REALLY PATIENT SAINT. A REALLY, REALLY PATIENT SAINT who can perform miracles every five seconds to fix what the old git will inevitably screw up and/ or break. He's not patient enough to listen to ALL of the directions all the way through and forgets everything he's told about three minutes after it's told to him. I once spent a day teaching him to put a contact in the "Contacts" in his cell phone. He doesn't remember how to put a contact into his phone and he has no idea how to retrieve it, even to this day. And of course, these sessions are always riddled with him debasing me and telling me that I'm a useless idiot and a stupid animal.... And people wonder why my eye twitches every time he enters a room I happen to be in? Then to have the end result be that he learned nothing at all and that all that time was wasted anyway. :s

There are just some things in life that don't go well together. Toothpaste and orange juice. Milk and lemon juice. Drinking and driving. Plaid and paisley. Orange and brown. Yup! And of course, my pop and technology.

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