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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Nugget of Smart.......

It isn't often that I impart any kind of knowledge or bestow some intelligent nugget of wisdom very often in my inane babbling and incoherent word spewing. This may or may not be one of those times. Whatever. Take from it what you will or take from it nothing and move along. Or make a retarded face and read the words, emphasizing what I've written with sheer stupidity. Whatever, but here it is anyway.

We have a world of information out there, right at our fingertips. There is a gigantic WORLD out there that I know I won't be able to experience most of. There are so many things that I have yet to learn, know about, hear about, read about, see, experience.... It gets rather frustrating sometimes when I think on it for too long. What frustrates me more are those individuals who are so close minded that they can't understand that there is a whole world out there beyond the four walls of their comfort zone.

It's a rather sad thing to see that there are so many people who are so afraid to step out of their comfort zones that they won't even try something that might make them uncomfortable or they find scary. Something as simple as trying some new food to something like experiencing something like bungee jumping or something. What's sadder still is that these people infect their children with these same fears, and yes, I do say "fears" because that's what it boils down to. Make any excuse you want to, it boils down to fear.

I have realized that there is so much more beyond the cookie cutter norm for me AND my children and as much as I would LOVE to be able to have them experience it all, my finances limits what I can do. But that isn't going to stop me. I'll do my best to give them all I can and feed them enough "different" stuff that they will start to hunger for it on their own and want to do it when they can do it for themselves.

In a time when we are so close to having everything so near, people stick to what's comfortable. Why? It makes it hard for people to see past themselves when they have no idea what's beyond their own little bubble. It explains the reason why people seem more self centered and conceited and so very ignorant. At least that's my opinion anyway...

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