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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Mia for President!

I joke (kind of...) quite often about taking over the world and my plans for world domination and crap like that, but the other night, I had a dream that I became President of the United States..... Actually, it was a fucking nightmare. It was terrifying. I was basically (kind of) the most powerful person in the world... I was drunk with power. It was insane.

I demanded tributes of bacon, and the heads of my enemies brought to me on sticks to decorate the front lawn of the white house. I truly started to shape the world into my own warped and twisted Utopia of my dream self's creation to suit and please only dream me. A tyrannical bitch of biblical proportions, dream me ruled over the world and ordered all to bow down to me in abject subjugation....

I damn near stood bolt upright when I woke from my dream in a cold sweat and a sick feeling in my stomach. Who the fuck was that??!?? I mean, anyone in our dream is merely ourselves working out some kind of psychological whatever and that every person in those dreams are all part and parcel to your own ego and some different something that makes up the whole. This dream me scared the crap out of me.

I wondered whether I would ever end up like that or could end up like that. I wondered, if given too much power, whether I could actually become that monster. The thought chilled me to the bone. It was really one of the worst dreams I think I've had in a VERY long time. I mean I know it was just a dream and stuff and the chances of me actually becoming president are about the same as winning the lottery, a lifetime supply of bacon and a theme park ALL IN THE SAME DAY, but OMG! What the fuck? Is my psyche trying to tell me something? If I did wind up with that kind of power, is it possible I could become that?

Maybe the fact that the dream scared the shit out of me should bring me comfort though. I mean, if I woke up and was totally cool with that dream and thought, "Cool! That was an awesome dream!" I would have concerns and worries.... Well if I was thinking that it was a cool dream, I suppose I wouldn't have any worries or concerns... I wouldn't really give a shit....

Fuck.... My head hurts. I'm gonna go lie down. I hope I have a dream about fluffy baby ducks and magical unicorns and rainbows and shit like that because I don't think I can handle another APOCALYPTIC dream like this..... o_O

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