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Friday, November 21, 2014

Moral Obligations.....

What are the moral obligations of the average person? How many of us really give thought to this question on any given day? My opinion is: Isn't it something that we should consider all the time? The hard questions like, "What would I do <in this situation>?" or "Would I be prepared to do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING?"

If you were to ask people what they believe to be their "moral obligations", you're going to get a whole bunch of different answers. You may even get the counter questions of, "Well..... Doesn't it depend on what kind of situation it is?"

How many people would REALLY stop and take the time to step in on some kind of situation happening right in front of their eyes? How many people would actually "notice"? There have been so many "social experiments" regarding this "bystander effect". Where the fuck does "moral obligation" come in that people are going to react and DO something? This bystander effect is rather terrifying really. People watching something going on and thinking, "It's someone else's job to do something about it..." or the mind not reacting at all and people just walk on by like nothing was going on... This is happening all around us more often times than not. A friend of mine wrote an amazing article about this bystander effect. In it he talks about the most typical examples of this bystander effect. It's scary stuff actually.

Yes.... I might have actually been putting some thought into some of the posts that I have been putting up as of late. What can I say.... This is something that I think about all the time. Don't be shocked! There are times when I am thinking about things that don't involve bacon, farts, my dog, my Puppy Guts, my complaints and subsequent whining about perceived injustices in my own life and whatever other inane and stupid things that I babble and wordily spew about here on this blog. But, who hasn't thought about it? "Shouldn't someone should DO something about this!"

Let's back the fuck up a little bit, shall we? Isn't ANY individual defined as "someone"? There are certain times when time is of the essence and it IS just that individual. So, I ask the question again. What would be the "moral obligation" of that individual? Does that individual actually take action and do something or   should that individual "wait and hope someone else does something...." or just stand around and hope for the best or something. Is it such a terrible thing for people not to just want to help, but actually step in and DO SOMETHING? Sure. There are more people than not, who will pay lip service and say, "Of course I would do something!" Blah, blah, blah..... It's those very same people who are cowering in the corner or looking the other way when the shit does hit the fan. I've seen it happen more than once.

I try to lead by example and do. I know what my "moral obligations" are. Things within my own circle of me and mine to things outside my own circle and well beyond. I've stopped on the side of the road to see if another motorist needed help. I've grabbed kids by the backs of their shirts or jackets when they were about dart out into the street. I won't leave an animal that's hurt or in need of help and I've been in my fair share of nervous moments when things looked like things were going to get ugly, but of course, I couldn't bring myself to leave and in my head I was plotting out my plan of attack. I mean, it all turned out to be nothing, but still...

Humanity is teetering on the edge of morality these days instead of firmly planted in it. You know... the place where right is right and wrong is wrong. Nope, right on the edge where people make excuses for their behaviors, blame things on someone else or whatever. Self righteous douchebaggery happening left right and center and that's become okay. It's acceptable.... So therefore, most people walk around believing that they have no moral obligations to their fellow man because it's someone else's problem. That doesn't make you an asshole... Seriously? But BACON forbid that if it were YOU in that situation, well, people better get up off their asses and lend a mother fucking hand! And if they don't, they're assholes.

The problem is with people. They walk around with a gigantic entitlement complex, like the world owes them everything because they alone are so fuckin' special. Their only moral obligations are to themselves, despite who ends up paying the price for their selfish douchebaggery, whether it's friends, family or their own children. They are nothing more than weaklings who feel the need to bully others just to feel better about themselves. ... And I'm supposed to be impressed by this somehow? I don't fucking think so. What really cracks me up is that they are so wrapped up in their own little lives, they don't realize that others see the truth of what they are. And those blinded, when bombarded with truth, don't stay blind for long either. I mean who hasn't been somewhere and witnessed that smug, self righteous, pompous, elitist bullshit? And most of these people don't even have a cause to be this way. They're just egomaniacal ass hats with delusions of grandeur.... I hate people...

So, these very people even see past themselves long enough to help anyone but themselves (of course, they don't see it that way, but it is....), but say they would. "Don't you think I'd do my best?" No. When your best attempts are pathetic to begin with and half assed at best.... Meeting moral obligations? No. I don't think so. If you can't even think about it or act in order to do the right thing, you're nothing more than a sorry piece of shit with an excuse for everything.

The world is a shithole that's going to hell and the more I look around, it gets a little shittier every day..... And a little warmer too.... I can't wait for anarchy and chaos to start reigning supreme and a new world order comes. When it becomes "survival of the fittest" and it's a "me and mine vs. them" thing, we'll see if my "morals" are still intact, but in the meantime, I've still got karma to fix and I will continue to step in and meet my moral obligations.

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