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Monday, September 1, 2014

Step off!

It's not all the time that I have a "better than you" moment. I'm just your average mortal, living an average life (for the most part), getting by in an average way. Meh! What can I say? On most days, I can leave my delusions of grandeur at the door and live in reality, even though it's not as much fun as the alternative.... But, whatever. I know that as far as my life goes, it's pretty "normal" and average for the most part.

Average for the most part, EXCEPT for the fact that I have the man of my dreams. I don't know what I did in a past life or many other past lives, but I have truly come to the conclusion that I have been given, from the heavens itself, the man that I have been dreaming for, hoping for, wishing for and a whole lot extra heaped on top. He is everything I knew I wanted and quite a few things I didn't know I wanted all in one.

How often can one say that about their mate? I mean, up until now, I didn't really appreciate the term "soul mate", I didn't think it was possible to have anything other than "mediocre" in a relationship because, well, let's face it, I really didn't have anything else to compare it with and I thought that "happily ever after" only happened in Disney movies and fairy tales and shit like that.

I find it cute that we have people who pretend to be us and pretend to have something similar to the relationship that we have, but the veil is so thin that it's "make believe-y ness" really shine more than the relationship that they only pretend to have. They hadn't taken the time to get to know themselves well enough as well as get to know each other and discover that everything just fit. We didn't have to make the pieces fit like so many posers. They just did. I know there are quite a few many people who know what I'm talking about and I am very sure that there are those going into complete denial over those last few statements.

Bah.... Whatever. I'm enjoying my moment and I'm going to bask in the fact that I have it.

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