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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Oops! Boom!

In trying to get my kids NOT to be crybaby sissy pansies, I instituted the "Oops! Boom!" every time they fell. I wanted to make sure that they weren't going to cry and wail EVERY time they fell regardless of whether or not they hurt themselves. Heck, even when they did kind of hurt themselves... It doesn't make the situation better when the child is losing their mind because they scraped their knee. No need for the fucking drama. It's stupid.

In keeping with that though, as the mama, I have to set the example and at least practice what I preach. The thing of it is, as I discovered, is that "little kid falling down" and "adult falling down" are two VERY different things. It's not the same kind of "injury" because as an adult, I no longer have those rubber bones and unlike a kid, these boo boos stayed injured for a lot longer than the five minutes it takes for a kid to get over injuries.... Kids are a lot more resilient then adults are. It's not to say that kids don't feel the ouch and because of their lack of life experience, a little ouch can be a pretty big ouch. As an adult, yeah, it sucks to get injured, but likely, you aren't going to cry about it and scream for a bandaid while sucking your thumb and hugging onto a Mr. Cuddlebunny or something. But the fall down ouchies....

I once watched my daughter take a tumble down three steps. It scared the ever loving crap out of her, it scared the ever loving crap out of me, it shortened my life expectancy by about three years and I think I may have soiled myself a little. My daughter got up right away, wide eyed and freaked out, but none the worse for wear. I yelled out, "Oops! Boom! You're okay!" Gave her a once over and a hug. She had a small moment, but five minutes later, she was running around and laughing and playing like nothing ever happened. The incident was forgotten.

I took a tumble down those same three steps, much in the same fashion. I was in pain for a week and I almost wanted to cry about it. Of course, because my daughter was watching, I had to jump up like I was totally okay and smile, even though I wanted to cry a little, and act like everything was fine as I yelled out, "Oops! Boom!" My daughter laughed and I joined her (although, it probably almost sounded like I was crying...) and to her, the incident was forgotten. I don't think I've ever taken so much ibuprofen and Aleve.....

I know what needs to be done. We're having those three steps removed. Fuck it....

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