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Thursday, May 22, 2014


I guess it is kind of hard to describe something like "love" isn't it? Sure, it's a feeling or emotion... that what? It's always a little bit different from person to person and the feeling covers a wide range of things... I love pizza! I love bacon! I love my children! I love my Lucky! Obviously, I have a strong affinity for a lot of different things, but to try and describe all the levels and varieties and intensities and whatnot?
And what is this nonsense that animals don't feel love or any kind of emotion... Okay, the statement that animals don't "feel" is OFFICIALLY rejected, labeled as inane and stupid and has been tossed out. I've had pets that have shown more love in their short lifetimes than some people are capable of in their entire lifetime. Moving on...
So, is love an action? Is it a tangible something? Is it an overwhelming emotional "Woo HOO!"? Is it a physical thing? Is it something that we think? Is it something deeper than that? I mean there are times when a person "thinks" they love someone or something... I'm sure we've all heard someone say, "Well I thought I loved <whatever person, place thing...>, but..." and the whole "I love <pick your noun>, but..." what is that? I can understand saying it about a place... I love Japan, but it's so damn crowded and everything is so fuckin' expensive... I can understand saying it about a thing... I love spicy food, but I end up paying the price later... But to say that about a person? I love you BUT...
I really don' think that there should be a "but" attached to saying "I love you" to a person, whether it be a best friend, a lover, a family member, a child... Maybe it's a "semantics" thing... I could just be an issue I have... I think there shouldn't be  conditions put on whether you love someone or conditions put on the love itself... Think about the implications if YOU were to hear, " I love you, but..." from your friend, your significant other or a family member.
I've never heard an "I love you, but..." come out of Lucky's mouth . That's how I know I've got the real deal. I don't need to be anything or anyone other than who and what I am. And he'll not hear it from me... Ever.

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