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Friday, May 30, 2014

Bed hog...

I am a self admitted bed hog of epic proportions. Granted I stand about 5'2" and weigh about 97lbs, soaking wet, fully dressed, wearing big honkin' boots, but I have the rare talent of being able to take up more than my fair share of space on even a king sized bed.
How does that happen, you may be asking yourself. Well, I am the encroaching type... First I steal the blankets. All of them. Including the one taken from the foot of the bed ( you know, the "just in case it gets cold" blanket). When Lucky tries to snuggle close to get his share of the covers, so, he rolls to his "not sleeping side" to snuggle, I move closer to him... And we snuggle. At some point, he rolls back over onto his "sleeping side" providing me with the ability to further encroach into his territory. Then, before you know it, WHAM! he's on the floor I've completely invaded his side of the bed diagonally from mine AND I have all the covers.
I'm so sorry Puppy Guts... Hi, my name is Mia (Hi Mia) and I'm a bed hog...  

1 comment:

  1. LOL, I know how Lucky feels! Been there and done that with various others. At least right now, my bed is a single, so once I'm snuggled in with my significant other (for that time being), there isn't anywhere to go!
