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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sex isn't all there is.....

I'm pretty sure there are more women than not who believe that guys' locker room conversations are only about sex, boobies and ass. I mean, yeah, sometimes, but not all the time. Having hung out more with male groups than female groups, simply because I CANNOT handle the drama nor the dynamics of a female group, I've witnessed, FIRST HAND, the all male conversations. And it's not really all sex. There are other subjects like cars and food and sports and cars and what they saw on television and cars and  their wives/girlfriends (well, the ones who weren't absolute bitches), did I mention cars? Well, at least with the guys I hung out with. I mean don't get me wrong, sex, ass and boobies became topics of conversation sometimes but meh...

Don't get me wrong. Men are pigs. But women really aren't that much better. Don't let the prissy girlie mewling and mock offense fool you. Bitches be CRAY-ZEE. And just like females, guys do actually have conversations with each other that don't necessarily have EVERYTHING to do with sex. And girls are not always all, "Tampons! Dressy, dressy, shoes bag, skirt! SQUEE! Hair gel mascara diet, does my butt look fat in these? Mall shopping manicure jewelry." either. Raunchier conversations and thoughts about sex and asses and penises and stuff do happen no matter HOW MUCH some women try to deny it. Just tryin' to help you guys out.

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