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Thursday, May 30, 2013


I know that I fought naps tooth and nail when I was little. I would rather cry about being tired than just put my little peanut head down and take a nap. There are days now, when I regret that I ever denied myself a nap EVER and wish I would have been able to saved those "nap minutes" in a jar or something so that I could use them to take a nap or two now.

And even if I do get a rare opportunity to take a nap, it's never restful. I mean, I end up waking up, bolt upright, not knowing what day it was and freaking out because I'd be thinking that there was something that I needed to be doing. Or I wouldn't be able to fall asleep really and I will wake up every five minutes because I feel like I'm forgetting something or that I slept way longer than I should have, until I give up on the whole nap thing. :s

That's why coffee, because coffe. Thank you coffee.

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