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Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Imagine being someone who has ADD and OCD. That's right. You can't. It's like having a gojillion browsers with gojillions more tabs open in each one. Does it ever stop? No. There are just degrees in which I can block out the noises and how much of it I can block out. It's always on. Constant random thoughts, ideas, notions, words, pictures, ALL.THE.TIME. And maybe it's because I'm used to it, but it's just fine by me. I think I NEED it. I don't think that I'd be okay if my mind ever went quiet. I think THAT would drive me insane. Total silence? Eeek!

There really is no solid way to explain my brain's goings on. I have fielded SO many questions about my ADD/OCD and yet I really can't come up with a solid answer. I mean, the ones who are doing the asking are those who don't have it. Your basic garden variety, cookie cutter, boring person. It's impossible to explain to them. It's like trying to explain to a person who had been blind since birth, what the color blue is. Seriously. And the questions and comments that I get pretty much border line on offensive.

Isn't it troublesome? Isn't it terrible? How do you function? How do you live your life? Can you control it? I feel so bad for you! It must be such a tough existence! I'm so sorry....... There are medicines now that will FIX you. "Fix" me?

I just laugh at those kind of people now a days. I feel bad for THEM. Seriously! It must be troublesome and terrible for them. I wonder how they function and live their lives. Unfortunately for them, there are no medications to make them awesome like me. Probably a good thing. People like that couldn't handle my awesome.

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