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Sunday, May 5, 2013


I LOVE to laugh. No doubt. Sure I have a weird sense of humor. I find hilarity in some of the strangest things and I might bust out laughing at the weirdest times. Some of those times would be considered "inappropriate", but still. I think there is something to be said for laughter being the best medicine, except for when it's diarrhea. Then, not so much.

My one weakness is probably offensive or inappropriate humor. Most anyone who has ever met me knows this about me. I WILL laugh. It's not that I mean to offend people by laughing at off colored humor and stuff, but my need to laugh is greater than worrying about whether or not I'm going to offend someone with my sense of humor, what can I say?

I swear, if I started holding in the laughter for even just a day, I wouldn't be the same person any more. By the end of the day, I would probably be an absolute wreck. An angry, screaming, cranky, miserable, scary, maniacal wreck. I have no doubt about that. There have been scientific studies done about the power of laughter and I really believe in the results that they got. Laughter relives stress, and an overall feeling of wellness happens with a good laugh, except when you have diarrhea. I used to have people making excuses for me and apologizing for my "rudeness" because I would laugh at what they felt to be "inappropriate moments". In looking back, I have NO IDEA how they hell I ended up becoming associated with them or why I stayed in those relationships for as long as I did. :shrug: lesson learned I guess. Now, I'm just gonna keep on going and doing what I do.

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