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Friday, November 9, 2012


I can't exactly say that I'm not disappointed by the turn of events in this year's election. We're stuck with another four years of the same shit. Four more years of Obama pushing his "own" agendas, as would any other politician pushing theirs, I get that. But it seems clearer to me that Barry is trying to turn our system into something resembling socialism as opposed to keeping us remaining a true democracy. All the while, his wife, Michelle will continue to jet set all over the fucking world, with the Obama-lings, on America's dime, of course. Leaving most of us broke, going broke, or lying to ourselves that we're not, desperately scraping and scrounging to get by, as we wish for a better life. Great! It must be nice.                

So, here we are, a couple days after the election results are in and the determination has been made. Stocks have plummeted, the price of groceries is going up, we're bracing ourselves for what lies ahead and although we don't have the social unrest that was being threatened upon us had Bama NOT won (which some were kind of looking forward to.... I mean, come on! There probably weren't too many gun toting citizens who weren't thinking, "YAY! ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE TRAINING!!!!!" as they were stock piling ammo, dreaming of pegging off brainless looters and rioters, thus culling the population of some of the leeches and idiots that some call "liberals"...), I know I myself, was not planning on going out the day after election day anyway, regardless of the outcome. Seriously..... I wanted the dust to settle and things to calm the fuck down. Besides, we had that stupid snow storm Wednesday into Thursday, and because of Sandy, this past Wednesday was the kids' first day back at school and if  something were to have gone terribly awry, I wanted to be able to fly to the schools and get my children... <TANGENT ALERT!> It seems we're expecting nicer weather for the weekend though..... :s Pfft...... What the fuck am I talking about? This is New England. NO ONE can predict the weather around here. We may end up with beach weather or more snow...... Sorry.

And I have to admit that I am also very disappointed with the outcome of this year's election because I had real hope for real change. Not the bullshit "hope-y change-y" monkey fuckery that Obama had promised the last time around. You know... The monkey fuckery that resulted in where the fuck we are right now (which isn't as positive as it was made out to be in his bullshit campaign ads we were subjected to these last few months, mind you....), but for something really different. REAL change. Something that may have put our country back on track and moving back towards democracy. And honestly? To all those who really believe that socialism works, name me one area or country where it has worked out well for its people. I mean the common people, the middle class, as it were...... Please explain to me where "communism" didn't become much more corrupt than TRUE democracy and wasn't more corrupt to the point where hardships befell most ( and I am talking the vast majority ) of its people. I mean, don't get me wrong. I don't trust ANYONE given THAT MUCH POWER to begin with. But when you add together: people with THAT much power and the citizens allowing that same government with those people to make their decisions for them, mostly to benefit the powerful themselves, while letting what very little was left to trickle part of the way down, and where corruption was the only way to thrive.... Hmm...... I shudder to think. I'd really hate to think that we, as a people, are too stupid to make our own choices and need the government to make all of our choices for us.... And if you think that's NOT where we're heading, with Obama in office again, you're an idiot.

It's not to say that if Romney HAD won (although I still seriously question the legitimacy of Obama's "win"......), that magical rainbows would shine down from the skies and flying, unicorn ponies would cry tears of joy that would magically fix our nation's problems overnight. Where people would all miraculously become reasonably smart enough for me to believe that they were all actually capable of making intelligent and informed decisions. And, happy, happy magical hurray! 'Merica, FUCK YEAH! But honestly? The only real change was going to come if we ousted what caused the mistakes of this past go around in the first place, and we tried for something different. I mean REALLY different. Not, "give the guy another chance" so that he can "continue to move forward with his plans" and turning our country into a communist state that tolerates everything EXCEPT for the love of God and THIS country. This country, where, it seems, the liberties and freedoms for it's OWN people are lacking. Where the tolerance for AMERICANS to speak their minds and be heard and not have it be called a "hate crime" is unheard of.  As it were, right now, we are forced to tolerate non-Americans speaking their minds about how much they hate our country and Americans (as they continue to benefit from our government's hand outs, that they willingly receive, hand over fist....), and have ourselves be told, "It is their right to have and voice their opinions..." We stand now, where everyone BUT Americans seem to have more rights and liberties than Americans do. Yeah, and we move forward with these "slight changes"..... These changes would set back progress for the next guy in line quite a bit and trying to fix these problems is going to be a nightmare. THEN we're gonna see rioting! I mean,  seriously? What would Romney have been able to do? Maybe change a few little things here and there and fixing problems wherever, ALL while trying to enact what his version of what he believed government should be... Clusterfuck.

Sour grapes on my part? Perhaps. Although, I never threatened to riot and loot if my chosen candidate didn't win the election. I only hoped for the best and prepared for the worst. I will continue to prepare for the worst.

So, the re-elected guy will remain in office for another four years, with his questionable heritage (which he could have shut that shit down from the very GET GO with a big ole' FUCK YOU, and opened that shit up..... Well, if he had nothing to hide, that is....), his questionable morals (although, that can be said of ANY politician. Don't get me wrong. I REALLY don't trust ANY of them), and his questionable intentions for this country (as I STILL feel he doesn't love or even like the United States and everything that it represents....) and unless by some miracle, by some unseen hand of some holy deity, that brings forth some information or some unforeseeable happening, that comes forth or occurs before the inauguration takes place, SOMETHING that makes a second election necessary, perhaps with two different and maybe more "suitable" candidates for both sides.... The reality? Well, it is what it is. No amount of my bitching, ranting, screaming, crying, publicly blogging, nor social network complaining is going to change that. In short, it's done. Fine. I get it. Okay? I'll adjust.

Anyway, what's my point here? It is simply this. I know that I lean more to the right than to the dark side, although there are certain points of the "conservative" side that I don't agree with. Mostly things regarding my vagina and uterus. (Hey. It's my vagina. I'll make my own decisions about that shit, thank you very much!) And the gay marriage thing. Well... There are a couple more points that I take issue with, but that's not what I'm trying to get at right now. (Seriously. That subject would just open up a whole NEW set of rants, and.... Well, let's just not go there right now. Maybe later.) I am told that this all makes me a "libertarian" or a "republican lite". Whatever. I really don't think it should matter. I would hope that people would think they are AMERICANS first before deciding what's what and who's who. I think somewhere along the line, that all got lost. The nation has become divided again. Pro-this and Anti-that campaigns all over the place regarding ALL manner of shit, rallies and internal squabbles about ALL manner of other shit. One side blaming the other for all of our nation's woes. The rich keep getting richer and the poor are being fed by those stuck in the "middle class" as they struggle to keep themselves afloat......

That's really the reality of it all. And, let's face it. There is never going to be one "super messiah" who is going to come along and fix everything in a single year or even a single term as president. We're working off of an ALL AROUND broken system. I am talking about everything from the social structure to the education system to government to the financial pyramid. Top to bottom, bottom to top. EVERYTHING. And the further along we go, the more tattered and crumbling the system is becoming. NO ONE can blame any ONE politician for THAT shit. It's all cumulative. So for Obamites to blame Bush for our nation's woes? Where do we go from there? Who are ya gonna blame for the next four years ahead of us? Who do we get to blame when the next president takes office? It's ridiculous really and it's nothing more than a vicious circle. The next guy is only going to try "to fix what was left for him" or whatever, only to screw things up more because we've strayed quite a bit from what our original forefathers set forth for what our country should be. How our country should be governed. I get that times were different back when the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights were written, but the very basis of what these documents are and what they were meant to do has been quite skewed and have taken something of a different meaning, methinks. It was not an overnight transition, nor was it one man who singlehandedly fucked it all up. We may be ONE COUNTRY, but "united"? We act as squabbly, separated and we "sibling fight" worse than a family reunion at our house! (Yes, those evenings tend to fall to ruins in hell by the end of the night.) Yes.... Our nation has become a "dysfunctional family" at best.

And think about this: When it all does fall down, we're ALL going to be fucked the same way. Whether we are right, left, republican, democrat, libertarian, independent, a little of this, a little of that, republicans for Obama or whatever other democratic candidate, democrats for Romney or whatever other republican candidate (and I'm sure I'm missing all the other different flavors here), we're all STILL fucked the same way. Do you think it's going to matter what political affiliation you had? And is it really going to matter, under "whose watch" it happens in?  Fucked is fucked is fucked is fucked. And honestly? It's inevitable. It's gonna happen. Yup.... Just think about THAT one for a second, boys and girls..... And when it DOES happen, "The question is, do you possess the constitution, the depth of faith, to go as far as needed?" I, myself, have faith enough to believe that from whatever ashes are left, we, as AMERICANS, will rise to full glory again. I do. 

I'm sure I'll get more hate mail regarding this post, with people calling me "an idiot who doesn't know what she's talking about".... Yada, yada, yada..... It won't be the first time I've gotten hate mail, and I know it won't be the last. I've touched on sensitive subjects before (like this one, or this one or this one or this one or this one.  There are many other rants I've gone on regarding stupid people, obese people, and certain other people I am not supposed to mention because they'll get butt hurt). I got the "what the fuck?" mail then too. Seriously.... In all honestly, we ALL think about some of these things a lot. I just say them out loud because quite simply put, I really don't give a shit that people think I'm a loud mouthed, opinionated bitch. At least I'm honest about all this stuff and I really feel that this stuff needs to be said. And, it's not as if I haven't gotten more than my fair share of "You're an idiot!" mail before, and I'm sure I will continue to receive more as I continue to blog about all manner of things.

I have to say, I am rather disappointed by those haters who take the time to send me those "you're an idiot" letters though. I have yet to actually receive ANY mail from disagreers, who open up a dialog that clearly points out WHY they think I'm wrong, where I might be mistaken, and make clear, concise points to correct me if they are able to prove where I AM wrong using ACTUAL FACTS. Although there are those out there that will back up certain people's opinions that I'm a stupid idiot, I have yet to encounter a solid reason as to WHY they think I am, I mean other than the canned, "....because you're a stupid bitch!" answer. In my defense, I really am a reasonably intelligent individual. I promise. I only sound like an ignorant asshole because my grammar sucks, I am barely capable of stringing together words to form coherent sentences, and I like to exercise my right to use words like "fuck" and "cunt" and "shit" and get all creative with words to come up with things like "monkey fuckery" and "twat booger". What can I say.

Well..... <sigh> So? What is there left to do now? What can I possibly do? Well, hoping for the best didn't work, so I guess it's time for me to prepare for the worst. I mean, it's not like I haven't been doing that all along. We've been doing that here at our house for quite some time now.  Pfft..... Call me the "eternal pessimist" if you must, but I believe si vis pacem para bellum.  (If you don't know what that means, look it up. It's Latin...)  As much as I have FAITH IN MY COUNTRY, and I really do believe in the United States of America and all that it represents, as an American and as a patriot, I don't have too much faith in a lot of its other inhabitants. Especially the ones who don't belong here. Those who call themselves everything but "Americans", because they aren't, and are likely here illegally. They preach hate about the United States or AMERICANS or are just here, sucking up our resources. I say: Send them the fuck back home (and when I said: "don't belong here", I mean: if they hate it here and hate us so badly, and don't want to be a part of THIS country, then they can just go the fuck back to wherever it was that they came from and shut the fuck up). And then, of course, there is my favorite variety, whom I believe should just leave for parts unknown, outside the borders of the United States. The people who call themselves "Americans" but act as unpatriotic as any of our multitudes of illegals and haters (if not more so). You know? We could always just send those fuckers to wherever it is that they "sympathize" with, along with a hearty boot in the ass and a loud, "GOOD LUCK!" as we give them the one fingered salute. I could dwell on that subject, but I supposed it really wouldn't do me a whole hell of a lot of good anyway.

So now, in the meantime, the rest of the world truly starts with a single step out of my own front door. That's where all the rest of the world lays. Out there. So, before I send my children out into it, to make their own footprints, as it were, I have to start by teaching them, molding them, showing them and giving them the solid foundations to be strong, proud, upstanding Americans, and to be strong, proud, upstanding people, with knowledge and truth, and have their hearts set on what they should believe in and not waver from those beliefs. Truly guide them to be worthy of being part of the real "next generation", in their own ways instead of becoming lost in the herds of sheeple, so that they might truly be able to help lead us, AS AMERICANS, forward, towards what our great nation should be.

1 comment:

  1. Agree with most of your rant Mia. I'm just relieved Obama won and that there was no rioting and flash mobbing like type of disproportionate demographic violence as shown in this video that MSM suppresses:
