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Friday, November 16, 2012

The simple things in life......

It's never a good thing to take things for granted. And having lofty goals and plans is a good thing (because if we DIDN'T have them, how would we know whether or not we could make them a reality?) but sometimes it's a great idea to sit down, take a deep breath and enjoy the simple things too. The simple things that make you smile or giggle. Taking a moment to NOT take yourself so seriously and just relax.

Call it "being childish" if you want, but I've found that the happiest people aren't the uptight bitches, but the people who let loose and laugh and enjoy everything in their lives. They make the most of what they have and don't take themselves too seriously. There is a lot of things we can learn from people like this. I have found a few of the gurus of this practice and I am learning to employ these methods in my own life. :) But don't worry. I'l will still remain a potty mouthed, witty but sarcastic bitch. I can't lose THAT. It's part of what makes up my charm! And although I have gotten a lot better about laughing at myself and not taking myself too seriously, I'm still on the road to learning how to just let things go and not be such an "intense" individual.

Bah. These things will come with time. In the meantime, I keep going along.

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