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Saturday, November 17, 2012

"Do you KNOW who I AM?"

A woman tapped me on the shoulder as I was going through the market with my children. She commented on how well behaved and orderly they were and asked me what my secret was. I responded pretty deadpan, "I beat them...." then I laughed and told her I was kidding and said, "I actually participate in my children's lives and actively parent my children." She proceeded to go on about the importance of nurturing my children and letting the children decide who they are and that "actively parenting" my children sounds much more like actively trying to control them and children need to be left to their own devices sometimes and blah, blah, blah and that keeping such a tight rein on them will only cause them to lash out and become the monsters in the school systems, causing problems for people like her and all the other kids in the school systems will suffer terribly because I may be going about the raising of my children incorrectly and blah, blah, blah.... verbal diarrea, blah.

So I responded to her, without using the fuck word! (I know! I was quite shocked myself!) "Uh-huh. Wow.... So..... How many kids do you have? " to which her response was, "None. But I do have a degree in child psychology and I know quite a bit about children. I AM an expert and I went to school for this..." 

I didn't know whether I wanted to laugh out loud in her face or punch her lights out or both. I opted to laugh out loud..... I suppose only those with children who aren't complete and total shits understand  the importance of actively parenting their children, and would have found this exchange to be a rather amusing and funny...... 

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