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Monday, November 19, 2012

The FUCK word......

I am probably more guilty than most of overusing the fuck word. I use it a lot. Some of the times, it may not be a "FUCK!" situation, but I use the word anyway. Then there are times when it IS a "FUCK!" situation and I'll use it even more. I'm not really quite sure WHY the word is so offensive though. It's just a fucking word. But it's a pretty powerful word if you think about it and for whatever reason. I mean, come on! You go from it "being a problem" to "being a fucking problem".  It goes from "being awesome" to "being fucking awesome". The word makes a statement pack quite a wallop when you throw it into a sentence and can determine a greater degree of intensity and meaning. But a "bad" word? I would think words like famine, child abuse, rape, murder, animal torture, stuff like that would be WAY more offensive and disgusting. But the fuck word?

Sometimes, I may not necessarily mean to say the fuck word, but it just comes out in a "FUCK YEAH! "or a "HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHITBALLS!" I don't know why. It just does. Can I control it? Of course I can. It's not like I'm not all "Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck!" all the time or anything. I just like to exercise my right to use words like shit and piss and cunt and fuck and shit like that.

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