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Friday, September 14, 2012

Religion of peace.....

I haven't touched on the subject of what I think about this islam shit for a while. I think I'm gonna today. I think I'm going to "bad touch" the ever loving crap out of it and dry hump it until it starts to feel dirty about itself and feels bad about existing. I think I'm going to molester the fuck out of it and use some bacon fat as lube, no reach around because I see more and more proof of this crap invading our borders and taking a foothold right under our noses and I want it go run to its homeland crying for mama.....

Think about it... We've got halal food in our supermarkets, mosques going up left and right in our neighborhoods, islama friendly garb for men and women in our stores, translations of our books in their scribbly language. They are gaining more wide spread "respect" from other people and tolerance for their practices is starting to be seen.... We have yet to get to public stoning, but there is no doubt that honor killings are happening that we don't see. The genital mutilations of young girls isn't done openly, but there is no doubt that it is happening. The sexual assaults of young girls forced into "marriages" with much older men. They have their own "government" and their own "law" (because they cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Bible principles and they believe the Bible to be corrupt...) and it's all  happening behind a wall of "we are a peaceful people"..... Slow little baby steps, creeping into our daily lives almost at an snails pace so that we don't see the gradual changes that are taking place in our own country... But make no mistake, these changes are happening.... They are only testing our resolve and testing the waters to see how far they can push. 

I mean, honestly. Can you imagine what we'd have done if what is happening in the U.S. we were living in 20 or 30 years ago? No, you couldn't because it wouldn't have happened. It's not because we've gotten "smarter" and grown more tolerant of different cultures, it's because they've invaded and MADE us accept it. They used OUR laws meant to protect US, against us. We've become blinded and ignorant. This religion is not so "different" any more. (Because let's face it. People fear "different".) It's become a part of the "mainstream" thing. It's been "different" for so long that it's become "yet another thing that's different". It has become "common".

I mean, it must be nice for these people to basically invade our country and speak their minds about the white devils that we are and they have the correct religion and will see to it that ALL will be bowing down to islam and be muslim or will perish in the changing. And they are protected by OUR laws and are able to do this freely, in OUR country! But if a group of Americans were to speak against the TOTAL BULLSHIT that this islam crap is, they get called racist and it is a "hate crime". We're uneducated morons who haven't a clue as to what the religion is based on. We're ignorant, intolerant, insensitive assholes.... Well then.... Damn skippy, I'm an ignorant, intolerant, insensitive asshole. I hate it and kiss my ass. 

Don't get me wrong. I believe in the first amendment, freedom of speech and religion and all that and I'm all about tolerance and stuff... Really! But isn't it ironic because islam, Muhammed (whom I will here on out refer to as "Mo" because it offends me to have to type out that name), and the q'uran do not allow freedom of religion and expression. Our American democracy and islam simply cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.... It's their own agenda that they're worried about and they're just going to keep driving forward regardless of the American people. In America, we used to call that a big, "Fuck you!". Take anything and try to force it down our throats and you'd have seen the ugly side of American people. They're playing it smart right now by slowly seeping into our communities and making it palatable and acceptable.... Islamists are working to impose sharia law onto the world. If that happens, Western civilization will be destroyed... It's like this disease that's spreading and we're letting it happen. The American masses are being fed misinformation and people are starting to buy into it. Most people don't realize what's really going on and it's scary.... I'm not claiming to be some kind of expert someone or a professional anything or a super genius something or another... But just open your eyes and take a look around! I'm not talking about this happening just in the U.S.. This is happening EVERYWHERE! Those strong enough to think for themselves are surrounded by an exponentially larger herd of sheeple, with their namby pamby, politically correct, sissy, whiny, cry baby, idealistic ways preaching to those of us speaking up and out about something they haven't a fucking clue about how we need to be more like them and NOT question what the fuck is going on. They are caught up in a web of deceit and lies about it all being a "religion of peace".

Okay, so, why don't I take the time out now and go ahead and break down the information that I had and also the information I have learned over the last couple of years regarding this so called "religion of peace". I am really hoping that my little rant here will help to educate those who may not know what this "religion of peace" is really all about. I mean, anyone who speaks against this shit is an idiot, right? Well then, join me in my idiocy for a little while and then decide. Maybe I can wake a few of you out there up. 

Now, islam is based on some bullshit rantings of Mo, whom some will argue was a great leader, but seriously? When you're a murderous, barbaric, bastard dictator who basically keeps power with use of fear violence and abuse.... Well..... Now, the way I see it, Mo was nothing more than a charismatic, violent and psychopathic pedophile with delusions of grandeur, who was hell bent on genocide and also apparently heard the voice of god. We normally refer to those types of people as "sociopaths with a large side order of schizophrenia". (Hmm....) Now, despite the fact that the muslim community is trying to convince not just us Americans but the world as a whole that they are a "peaceful religious group"... Well, let's break this statement down... Islamic faith is based upon the word of Allah, whose messenger is Mo, right? Are we all following here? Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but seriously.... A historical argument can be made that Mo really was nothing more than a pedophile and rapist, a racist, a murderer, a hate mongering warlord, an all around piece of crap that promoted hate and violence... With a leader like that, do you really think you're going to come up with a "peaceful religion"? Hmm? Now, moving on... As far as the "teachings of Mo" is concerned, it's either Islam or death,  Muslims are to follow the "will of their god" without question or death and anyone who is not all "Islam, YAY!" ...DEATH! 

Oh, don't get me wrong... I've got my own feelings about the other bible based religions too. You know.... Old Testament/ New Testament..... History can go both ways and the atrocities committed by all sides are very real. No one religion can claim any kind of high ground and "morality" over another considering the wrong that was committed by any of those groups "in the name of god". I get that. But islam is one that keeps on going and going and going..... And the deeper you dig, the more disturbing it gets and we are finding that its zealots are nothing more than crazed, brainwashed lunatics, stuck in a cult full of women beating, children abusing, suicidal, maniacs. I mean, my newsfeed is littered with all sorts of pictures and news reports about  how NOT peaceful this cult is. The bloodied dead bodies of children and women and gay men, who were stoned or beaten or beheaded or all of the above. I am talking about pure savagery, by every definition of the word, because it is their way and the word of their god. Peaceful? Really?

Alright.... Alright..... Am I basing all of my judgements regarding this religion because of all of the terroristic acts perpetrated by the "fringe lunatics" of the religion that I see in the news? I mean, I don't need reminding that the other religions have got their own set of "fringe lunatics" and have their own little cults too. But, I'm sorry that this supposed "religion of peace" had been "hijacked" by some radicals, but if islam spent as much time and energy cleaning up it's "own house" and shut down all of the radicals who preach and strive for the "destruction of the infidels" as it did trying to convince the rest of the world how peaceful it was, all while brutally killing their own because of "law" and telling us how we have to be tolerant (while many muslim countries are barbaric by any definition ), the problem between"them" and "us" would solve itself. And if "my house" is so dirty, there's the door. I hope it hits you on the way out.... Nah.... Who am I kidding? I hope it knocks you out the door and down a flight of stairs... Later baby.

Great! Now, I may have touched upon things that may have seemed offensive to some. (Well, Mia, everything you just said so far in this post may be considered offensive to some as well...) So noted. Thanks! Got it! Let's address all this further, shall we? Now, keep in mind the statements I made regarding "islamic faith" so far. Whether we blame "terrorists acting in the name of islam" or blame islam itself for the terrorism attacks not only in the U.S. but other places in the world, the fact remains, "islam" means "peace, only when the entire world says, 'There is no god but Allah and Mo is his messenger'." So, we are to believe that it's the "terrorists" who perverted the message of Mo and thus islam as a whole shouldn't be blamed.... Fine. It still doesn't change some of the American views of islamic religion or muslims and, unfortunately, ANY middle easterner at this point (despite the fact that there are PLENTY of middle eastern CHRISTIANS) because Americans BELIEVE that "them all" are all about the destruction of "the infidels" a.k.a. ANYONE who isn't muslim. And quite honestly, it's hard not to come to that conclusion. 

Now, there is also this whole thing about every piece of land that was conquered by Islam for the last 1,400 years being considered the "House of Islam" and thus has to be taken back from the "infidels". This means France, Spain, Portugal, Lebanon, Sicily, Hungary, the Balkans, the Caucasus, Afghanistan, India, the Philippines, among others. They call this a "defensive jihad". Riiiight... Now, the rest of the world is called the "house of war" and has to be conquered for the greatness of Allah. A different type of "jihad" type thing. Uh-huh... Now, this jihad thing... It is not a "military side", but a duty to every muslim. It is more important than prayer or anything else according to Mo himself and muslims are to follow the "will of their god" without question or death... (Remember that bit?)

Um... So, what message am I supposed to be getting here? Let's sum up... "house of islam" to be taken back from "infidels"... Check. "House of war" needs to be conquered for Allah (trickle down to) Mo (trickle down to) islamic muslims... Check. Jihad, by definition is a holy war waged by muslims against infidels and is a duty to all muslims... Check. ALL islamic muslims are to follow the word of their god without question... Check. I don't mean to sound like a tool here, but I'm feeling a little threatened, aren't you?

Gay? Death. Not islamic? Death. Woman? Clitorectomy, burka, submission, subservience, stoning, DEATH. Don't understand? Death. Like dogs? Death. Masterbate? Death. Drink? Death. Bacon? Death. Some of my most favorite things are listed here... DEATH! And on top of it, they spew all sorts of hate filled bullshit about Americans HERE in the states! Allah forbid (literally) if an American were to go over there and spew hate filled rants about islam. DEATH! And they'll hide behind the veil of "we're a peaceful people... Our religion is one of peace..." because that's the face they want to show until they have gained enough strength... Seriously. Ask yourself this... Have you ever come across something where they talk about NOT killing someone or at the very least claiming that "the infidels will get theirs" when it "goes against their beliefs or supposed law"? You may have your apologizers saying, "We're so sorry about what some of those extremists are doing.... That's not what our religion is about...." but when you break it down..... Well. It kinda is. (And as I had stated before, the bible isn't better and does have it's own set of fringe lunatics, but that's not what I'm on about here right now, so....)

What I'm getting at is that I think the whole 9/11 thing was just the tip of the iceberg. If you think about it, they got away with it. The people preaching this shit are all over the place yapping about how the rest of the world needs to be tolerant and accepting and understanding... And they're getting it. They're all "Don't be hatin' 'cuz we muslim... Don't be hatin' 'cuz we islamic... WE didn't cause the terrorism 'n' stuff!" and we're buying into it... Allowing them to lay low... The Twin Towers thing was such a surreal event even as it was happening. I get it. It was impossible to believe that is was going on at first. It seems, now, it's just a faded memory and eh.... Something like that can never happen again...... Pfft... Silly rabbits. And now with this socialist muslim asshat in the Oval Office. (I've explained it HERE.)

Something bigger is coming and I don't think it's going to be "local" but "global"... And not just a  little. We need to get the word out, we need to stay sharp, we need to stay focused,  we need to be on the alert because we're starting to settle back into a "comfort zone" and that's bad. Not to sound paranoid, but they're EVERYWHERE, embedded deep, all over the world and ultimately, that's what they want.  Not just an islamic state, but an islamic WORLD. They know how to push, where to push and know our weaknesses. They have no problems sacrificing their children, their women, their elderly. It could be anywhere. It could be any time. They will target us where it hurts most and shatter us from the inside. THAT is their way. Show peace until they are strong enough to fight and win. The very thing that cowards do.

Please, correct me if I'm wrong... But it's going to take a lot of convincing to get me to believe that all of the above is not correct... Educate me, if you think you can, but a word of warning.... I have a diminutive attention span, little left in my patience reserve and only one or two fucks left to give and they're reserved for something else. Saddle up bitches! This is going to be quite a ride!

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