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Saturday, September 1, 2012

You "Look Fat" Because You ARE fat....

It's not the size of the print on the material, it's not whether the stripes are horizontal or vertical or how wide or what color. Black is not slimming, and just because you can squish it all into something that's two (or more) sizes too small, it's still all there. There are some people who need to realize, it's not what you wear that makes you look fat. It's the extra weight and fat that makes you look fat.

I've heard SO many excuses as to why people won't lose the weight. (And I say "won't" because it's really just a matter of laziness.) Everything from genetics, to glandular issues to whatever.... But then you take a look at what they eat. You take a look at their lives. And they wonder why they're fat..... Really?

I have a lot of respect for those who have taken responsibility for their health and are making or have made efforts to becoming healthy. Not just "dieting" but actually taking charge of what they eat and taking the time to get up off their asses and DO something about their weight. It's not something that someone can do FOR you. It's something that one has to do for themselves and it truly shows the weakness of character when people won't and don't make the lifestyle changes needed to lead healthier lives and only continue to make excuses as to why they can't. It's pathetic.

Maybe you shouldn't be eating that bag of Cheetos. Maybe you should put the sodas and other sugary drinks down and start drinking some water. Maybe eating at fast food restaurants all the time isn't such a good idea. Just because it says stuff like "Lite" or "Diet" or "Only X number of calories!" crap is crap. It's all processed, it's all disgusting and that's why people are fat. Making excuses for eating the crap is about as lame as the excuses people come up with too. "I don't have the time..." That's just being lazy. "Eating well is expensive..." out and out lies. Going to a fast food restaurant and ordering some "economy meal" is more expensive than picking up the fresh ingredients and making it yourself. Add up the fucking receipts. "It's so hard to know what's good for you and what's not because the rules are always changing...." Shut up! Seriously? Because you didn't know that maybe perhaps eating a piece of fruit is better for you than shoving that Twinkie into your fat gob? Maybe mega sized portions heaping food on top of food on your plate isn't the way to go... Having a salad is great, but when you drown that salad in tons of some creamy ranch dressing, the point sort of gets lost, no?

I hate hearing women and their, "I HATE these jeans/ this outfit/ this <other piece of clothing>/ this pattern because it/ they make me look fat!" Seriously? THAT'S what makes you look fat? It makes me want to ask them what fantasy parallell universe they slipped into when clearly, it's not the clothes that's doing it.... Is it THAT hard to recognize that perhaps weight loss is the answer?

:facepalm: Not only are you fat, but you're stupid too.... That IS good news. Never mind. Yes. Those pants make you look fat.

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