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Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I have set a lot of goals for myself. Some are realistic, while others (like taking over the world...) might not be as realistic.... The realistic goals I have set for myself are basically the baby steps towards my long term plans and although there are obstacles and stuff, I'm making my way along. It's cool. The unrealistic stuff though?

I waffle back and forth about whether I want to take over the world. Some days yes, some days no... It depends I guess. Yes, it's probably the MOST unrealistic goal I have set for myself, but I'm still allowed to dream. The closest I ever got to ruling over a world was raising brine shrimp or sea monkeys years ago. They were for food for a salt water tank that I had. I felt like a god. I controlled when they got light and when they didn't. I controlled who lived and who died, who got sacrificed to the "lesser gods" in the salt water tank. I controlled their environment and when it was time for an apocalypse and dump the bucket and recreate a new world. I imagined that they had built altars and shrines with my likeness in them. And that they worshipped me and prayed to me and stuff like that. A whole civilization revolving around me, their GOD. It was kind of strange. I know that I was WAY over thinking the whole thing and it WAS during a time when I think the most nutritional thing I got was the milk in the excessive amounts of coffee I was drinking and I was probably only sleeping about two to three hours a day, so.... Yeah. :sigh:

Yes.... I've always been like this.....

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