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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Toe stubbing.....

Stubbing one's toe is never pleasant. Actually, it sucks ass. I can't stand the pain and the unpleasant sensations that follow afterwards. That is the kind of pain that radiates everywhere if you REALLY did a good job of it.

Sometimes, in my haze of pain, I imagine (or hallucinate) that my toes are actually like little people and the stubbed toe is like a hit and run victim or something. And like, the other toes have to call the toe police and investigate the crime scene and send the injured toe to the toe hospital. The witness toes are then questioned and the situation gets sorted out enough to have some coherence to be a plausible story of what actually happened. Then the offender is apprehended and has to go to toe court and ultimately toe prison. The victim toe ends up bandaged and doesn't remember a thing because it didn't see anything and the star witnesses are my kids, who were too busy laughing at me anyway because I had a spaz moment and stubbed my toe. (Yeah.... I know.....)

Suffering ANY kind of injury, which is often for a spaz like myself, it kind of makes me feel better, sometimes, to be able to blame something else other than my own two feet. Like, if I fall and hurt myself on something, I like to blame that something for being there and injuring me and come up with another wildly concocted story of what had happened instead of going with, "I tripped on my own two feet and fell face first into the pavement...." It sounds cooler. Whatever. It's a quirk.

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