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Thursday, November 29, 2012


It can take my kids a total of 2.2 minutes to devastate a clean room and make it look like a grenade went off in it, but it will take them an hour and a half to clean it all up.... They complain about who played with what and how this one needs to clean up this mess and how one DOESN'T need to clean up something else because they "didn't touch it"..... The whining and complaining and the bitching and the moaning and the bickering and the crying and the bossing around..... All indian chiefs and no indians. Each telling the other what they need to be doing.... Fuck...... That......... Noise.......

I have decided that, in order to save my OWN sanity, whatever doesn't get cleaned up gets thrown the fuck out. It saves on my having to have to listen to the bitching, OBVIOUSLY the kids have WAY too much stuff for them to take care of themselves. I mean, the less stuff they have, the less stuff they have to clean up, right? I'm tired of having to clean up the messes myself and I think it's important that they take responsibility for their own crap. Some people would say that was harsh, but quite honestly? These are the things that NEED to be taught to our children. Where else are they supposed to learn about thing like responsibility and being held accountable for their actions and learning that there are consequences to certain actions.

There are WAY too many parents who try to be "the good guy" and play the role of the hero by NOT punishing their kids, despite the fact that they deserve to be. They give the kids everything that they want. They don't correct crappy behavior because they are afraid of becoming the "bad guy", then make excuses as to why the children are acting like a bunch of little assholes. The reality of it is, these assholes are not doing their kids any favors by promoting the crappy behavior. It's what makes them terrible parents. It's a fucking nightmare. These kids end up thinking that the crappy behavior is fine. The walk around acting like spoiled little bitches whose shit don't stink. And a vast majority of the time, these kids grow up to be pansy assed, sissy whiny babies with excuses for everything, especially all of the bad behaviors. They dont' take responsibility, they don't take accountability. It's pathetic.

Not with MY kids, not on MY time. NO thank you very much.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Almost lost it.....

This season brings out the assholes and dipshits from every corner.... They flood the stores, they flood the markets, coming out in droves to get in their holiday shopping. The weather being colder doesn't help and of course, stupid people out in bigger numbers, walking around being idiots, driving around like ass hats and just all around being unsupervised and unmedicated, getting in the way of MY progress....

IT doesn't help that I hate this time of year. Adding to it, the stress of all being near all these people and the holiday cheer and the carols and all the twinkling lights and dingly bells and sparkly tinsel and all that other shit..... Then add in a heaping bucketful of pushy assholes in the stores and screaming kids and jerk offs and twat waffles and douchewads and cunt boogers, the long lines and the insanity.

I had some shit-tard try to cut me off in traffic and when I wouldn't let him do it, he called me a fucking retard and flipped me the bird. I promptly told him to go fuck himself flipped him the bird back. It seems to be the equivalent to the, "Season's greetings! Be well kind stranger!" greeting that USED to be the norm.  And, I won't make the mistake of walking around and trying to drink a coffee in this madness because I had some asshole bump into me. It spilled everywhere. He called me a bitch even though he bumped into me and made me spill my coffee.  Apparently his Brooks Brothers coat is more valuable than my "useless and pathetic life". I promptly told him to shut the fuck up and that he owes me a new cuppa joe and to scamper off and get me one before I wrung his pencil neck and made him flinch. Then I had some woman pull my hair to get my attention because she wanted me to move out of her way. Hair pulling? Seriously?

The final straw came when I saw some lady yelling at an elderly woman in the self check out lane. I killed her about three times in my mind before I approached. I asked the women what the problem was. The elderly woman was frazzled by the woman yelling at her on top of NOT being able to process her order. I gave her a hand, got her checked out and sent her on her way. Problem solved there.

Then I turned my attention to the bitch. It was bad enough that I had to be out, in public, with a bunch of assholes, DEALING with some of its finest, but for this woman to try and get her bully on with an elderly woman was IT. I verbally tore into her with a tirade with the likes that no one had ever seen before. I SWEAR the whole entire store went silent. My use of curse words was spot on and the eloquence and timing in which I delivered the flawless masterpiece was uncanny. Strangely, when the woman finished her business silently and slunk away, I felt better. I usually end up feeling worse after a tirade, but this day, I felt relieved. I went back about my business, finished up and went on my merry way.

I really don't get nearly enough credit for NOT going "clocktower crazy"...... Seriously. I hate this time of year.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bacon Shortage??!?!?!

My fears of this bacon shortage thing is haunting my every waking thought and invading my dreams at night when I sleep..... What if we really DO end up in some kind of bacon crisis? Resulting in a bacon apocalypse? OH MY BACON! We really ARE facing what could be the end of days here! I mean, does this mean we have to find alternative sources of bacon? Is there such a thing? Um....... NO!

It scares me right down to the core that we may not have bacon. There will be rioting in the streets. Neighbors will turn against neighbors. People will be trudging around like zombies moaning, "baaaaacooooon...... BAAaaAAAACOOoOOOOOon!!" It's going to be absolute insanity and chaos! Either that or it will just be me, at the grocery store, weeping in front of the meat section, where the bacon used to be, wearing all black and mourning. I really hope this isn't the case. The world needs its bacon.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Da Shopping.....

Trying to get the Christmas list shopping crap into the house in a stealthy manner is fucking impossible.... My kids know what the fuck I'm up to when I "go run an errand" and I leave them all home, especially when it comes around this time of year. And being children, they are eager and excited to see what the fuck they got and try ever so hard to get a glimpse of what's in the bags... I do my best to get most of it done during the daytime when the kids are at school, but sometimes, it just doesn't work out that way. Things and stuff get in the way and by the time I get out to the stores, it's already well after the time that they've gotten home from school. SHIT!

I try to make sure that the frivolous things are kept to a minimum and stuff, but I won't deny them the YAY of opening up stuff that they wanted either. And because they have holiday lists that are pretty lengthy, they really DON'T know what they'll end up with.

So, it really has begun...... The year end holidays and all that it entails. I don't like it. Bah humbug.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


We are getting ever so close to my least favorite time of the year, when shoppers go ape shit crazy and people are fucking nuts and the commercialism and overspending and the gluttony and the everything that I associate with the fucking holidays...... Ugh. I fucking hate this time of the year.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Good Laughter/ Bad Laughter....

I love to laugh. I've made that known and I make no bones about it. Sometimes I laugh because something is funny. Sometimes I laugh because I might be nervous about something. Sometimes I laugh because everyone else is laughing, but I actually have no idea what the fuck is going on. Sometimes I laugh when nothing is funny. Sometimes I laugh when nothing is funny and it was an inappropriate time to laugh. It happens, what can I say? I don't know whether it's an involuntary thing or what but I laugh even when it's inappropriate. Sometimes, I don't mean to do it. It just so happens to be that some random, funny thought entered into my conscious thoughts and FLABAMMO! I'm giggling like an idiot and getting strange looks and glares from the people around me. Well, not from the people who know me. Well, some of them actually end up pretending NOT to know me when my "episodes" occur. I may not even be making light of the situation or anything like that, but someone will have said a word like "thrust" or "injection" or something and I will absolutely LOSE IT!

Yes, this is another one of my multitudes of quirks.

Friday, November 23, 2012


There are so many different diets and lifestyle things and ways to improve your this and improve your that, things out there that claim will enhance your life, extend your life and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah..... The catch is, all you have to do is give up all the things that you love, like sleeping in or skipping a workout every once in a while or cutting out cake and cookies and ice cream and stuff like that or no meat or bacon..... What the fuck is that kind of shit??!?? There are plenty of ways to go about leading a healthy life and having a healthy lifestyle that doesn't include having to give up all the things you like. Seriously. Why in the hell would you want the last years in life to be extended? Are they really going to be all that great? I would much rather be able to do the things I like and eat the things I love and enjoy my life than look back on it with regret because I didn't eat something or didn't do something.

I suppose there are plenty of reasons as to why the "golden years" might be worth sticking around for. And I do admit that doing so healthily and still with able body would be great. I'd like to meet my grandchildren and great grandchildren some day! That'd be pretty cool. But I really don't think that subscribing to any one "lifestyle" is going to do it. I think it IS a moderation thing. It makes me laugh to see the different "lifestyle" thingies that people push onto others, whether it's a certain diet, exercise, religion, some kind of belief in something. They see themselves as revolutionary and different and free thinking, and all the while I look at them and laugh as they follow their guru's of health, nutrition and spirituality while I merrily skip along and actually DO my own thing. I just don't see myself sticking to any one thing because I lack the attention span and I really don't like people telling me what to do.

I suppose, if it works for some people, they can do whatever the hell pleases them. That's fine. It's their choice. But I don't like the idea of it being pushed on me and forced down my throat either. DO NOT WANT! :sigh: You have your way, I'll  have it mine. Let's leave it at that. :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Me= Fucking Awesome

I occasionally allow myself an, "I am FUCKING AWESOME!" moment because, well, damn it! I deserve it. And by occasionally, I mean most of the time. My life is such that if I don't do it for myself, it's not really ever going to happen. And it shouldn't be that I'm looking for praise or attention or vindication or whatever from other people because I can't give those things to myself and be proud of who I am. That's just needy and pathetic. Having to have to seek out those things from those around you, whether you know them or not is nothing when you can't grant those things to yourself. It's kind of like living your life to please everyone around you. Having to plaster on a facade of sorts and denying what and who it is that you really are. The actions of a person should speak louder than the words spoken, and if the intent isn't there, it really shows. And really? Why bother? Well, unless you really ARE a douchewad and you know it. Then I guess you HAVE to plaster on some fake whatever and seek out praise from other people in order to make yourself feel better. I'll tell you the secret to that though. Just don't act like such an douchewad and you won't have to worry about it any more. Just sayin'.......

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The joy of having siblings....

I watch my kids interact and I wonder how in the hell they are still going to be able to be friends when they get older. They bicker and fight, they whine and groan, they can be downright mean and nasty to each other..... And yet, when they are alone for too long, they tend to gravitate back towards one another and end up playing with each other until the next "dramatic episode".

I curb the whining and the crying as much as I can. I find it to be rather pathetic. The sniping and the shitty behavior is truly just little people version of what it's like to listen to a bunch of whiny little democrats, bitching about everything being unfair to them. I will NOT tolerate THAT kind of shit. It's strange though, as much as they seem to hate each other sometimes, I can tell that they really don't. We had hurricane Sandy blow through and take out our power for a few days and the kids were forced to interact with each other and play with each other instead of them scattering in different directions to play outside or plug into their electronic devices and shit like that. At night, I popped movies into a charged laptop and they all snuggled on the floor with blankets and pillows and fell asleep like a litter of puppies in a nest of stuffed animals and bedding. And the following morning, the routine would start again. It was really nice. I've also seen my older ones get testy on the playground when some kids were picking on their younger siblings. Or when we're out somewhere, the older boys are watching out for the younger ones all the time and I would hear them saying to the younger ones, "Be careful! Stay over here by me, okay?" It was quite endearing.

My hopes are that someday, the four of them will be able to look back on some of these moments and laugh as they sit together and hang out like best friends. I'm looking forward to that.

Monday, November 19, 2012

The FUCK word......

I am probably more guilty than most of overusing the fuck word. I use it a lot. Some of the times, it may not be a "FUCK!" situation, but I use the word anyway. Then there are times when it IS a "FUCK!" situation and I'll use it even more. I'm not really quite sure WHY the word is so offensive though. It's just a fucking word. But it's a pretty powerful word if you think about it and for whatever reason. I mean, come on! You go from it "being a problem" to "being a fucking problem".  It goes from "being awesome" to "being fucking awesome". The word makes a statement pack quite a wallop when you throw it into a sentence and can determine a greater degree of intensity and meaning. But a "bad" word? I would think words like famine, child abuse, rape, murder, animal torture, stuff like that would be WAY more offensive and disgusting. But the fuck word?

Sometimes, I may not necessarily mean to say the fuck word, but it just comes out in a "FUCK YEAH! "or a "HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHITBALLS!" I don't know why. It just does. Can I control it? Of course I can. It's not like I'm not all "Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck!" all the time or anything. I just like to exercise my right to use words like shit and piss and cunt and fuck and shit like that.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


In my younger days, my fears about things were a lot different than now. I didn't cope well with "real life" things and my mind was always hovering 10 feet from where the rest of me was. The eternal dreamer. I feared "growing up" and losing the fun happy times of youth. The real life worries consisted of "Where am I going to hang out tonight?" and "Which t-shirt should I wear?"

Now a days, my fears and worries are not grounded in anything other than the fear of something happening to one of my children and the impact that it would have on me and what I would do to the individual or individuals who were responsible for perpetrating said harm to my cubs and whether I'd be able to come back from that after I did. My fears revolve around the future and what it holds. Not in that "dread and doom" kind of way, but the "I hope I can do right by my children..." kind of way. Most of my worries are now based in the solid foundations of reality and something beyond the "right here and right now". Gone are the days when I worried about what now seem so trivial and stupid. How weird, because at the time, they seemed so important.

It's weird the kind of things we'll endure for our kids. All variety of bodily fluids and not so fluids, sleepless nights, frustrations, heartbreak, worry, the overwhelming desire to take away their pain when they hurt or feel sad. All things a I didn't think I was going to be able to deal with, but here I am, a four time mom and although every day brings it's own set of challenges, I meet and greet them and deal.

My youngest starts school next fall leaving me the time to decide where to work. And I thought I'd be a little apprehensive about it all, but the reality is, I'm pretty excited to move forward into the "next phase". Go figure!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

"Do you KNOW who I AM?"

A woman tapped me on the shoulder as I was going through the market with my children. She commented on how well behaved and orderly they were and asked me what my secret was. I responded pretty deadpan, "I beat them...." then I laughed and told her I was kidding and said, "I actually participate in my children's lives and actively parent my children." She proceeded to go on about the importance of nurturing my children and letting the children decide who they are and that "actively parenting" my children sounds much more like actively trying to control them and children need to be left to their own devices sometimes and blah, blah, blah and that keeping such a tight rein on them will only cause them to lash out and become the monsters in the school systems, causing problems for people like her and all the other kids in the school systems will suffer terribly because I may be going about the raising of my children incorrectly and blah, blah, blah.... verbal diarrea, blah.

So I responded to her, without using the fuck word! (I know! I was quite shocked myself!) "Uh-huh. Wow.... So..... How many kids do you have? " to which her response was, "None. But I do have a degree in child psychology and I know quite a bit about children. I AM an expert and I went to school for this..." 

I didn't know whether I wanted to laugh out loud in her face or punch her lights out or both. I opted to laugh out loud..... I suppose only those with children who aren't complete and total shits understand  the importance of actively parenting their children, and would have found this exchange to be a rather amusing and funny...... 

Friday, November 16, 2012

The simple things in life......

It's never a good thing to take things for granted. And having lofty goals and plans is a good thing (because if we DIDN'T have them, how would we know whether or not we could make them a reality?) but sometimes it's a great idea to sit down, take a deep breath and enjoy the simple things too. The simple things that make you smile or giggle. Taking a moment to NOT take yourself so seriously and just relax.

Call it "being childish" if you want, but I've found that the happiest people aren't the uptight bitches, but the people who let loose and laugh and enjoy everything in their lives. They make the most of what they have and don't take themselves too seriously. There is a lot of things we can learn from people like this. I have found a few of the gurus of this practice and I am learning to employ these methods in my own life. :) But don't worry. I'l will still remain a potty mouthed, witty but sarcastic bitch. I can't lose THAT. It's part of what makes up my charm! And although I have gotten a lot better about laughing at myself and not taking myself too seriously, I'm still on the road to learning how to just let things go and not be such an "intense" individual.

Bah. These things will come with time. In the meantime, I keep going along.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Job Finding.....

Well, I am coming to the realization that my youngest will be starting kindergarten next fall and I have also accepted the fact that all my babies will be out of the house during the day..... It's time for me to start thinking about getting a jobby job and working outside the home.

The problem is, I don't work well with others, I hate people and I can't stand idiots, all of whom I'd probably have to come in contact with at some point during my duties as a staffer at some place. If I could be left alone to do some task or whatever, and was guaranteed to be left alone and not have to deal with people, that'd be great. The reality of that? I'm not quite sure that would happen. On the other side of that.....

I've got a few ideas kicking around in my head right now and I've started my research already. My ideas have potential and might just work out well for me. I'm kind of excited about them. :) A jobby job...... Wow.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Go ask your mom.....

It's not to say that dads can't take care of things when it comes to the kids, but they're just dads. Compared to mom, they're fucking idiots. There are dads who do try and make cute attempts. Others' attempts are pathetic and worthy of sheer contempt. But seriously..... There's no one quite like the mom, the wielder of the power, the answerer of questions, the iron fist, the finder of things lost, the mighty vanquisher of nightmares.... Well, you get the idea. I mean, it is in normal households.

Then you get those women who should have been sterilized at birth. The nutbags who kill their own babies or abuse them or send them out to satisfy the sexual needs of pedophiles. Why do we let these people live? I mean, "MOM" is the very title that should instill great love, and has a true power that is unmatched by any other. Mom has all the answers. Mom knows what the hell is going on. It's mom. Well, maybe not mine. I'm still trying to sell mine. I'll even throw my dad in for free! Come on! Any takers?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I don't do karaoke any more. Firstly, because I can't sing to save my life and it's tough watching the people having to listen to the screeching noises coming out of my mouth writhe around on the floor, holding their ears and dying a slow and painful death. Those with a certain masochistic streak stand around and listen to me and will often find me quite amusing because I'm singing all the words wrong.... It's because I really don't know the song and I can't read the screen thing and sing at the same time.... I can't do it. But when the chorus part that I DO know rolls around??!?? I'm am a super rock star!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Veteran's Day 2012

Please take a moment today, to honor those who gave all so that we can continue to enjoy our freedoms (such as they are) as Americans. Today is a day we honor all those who served and gave the ultimate sacrifice. Today is the day we give out thanks to their families who paid the ultimate price. We should take a moment to remember why we are able to enjoy our country and what it is to be American and those who protect those rights within our borders and beyond. It has nothing to do with whether or not you believe in war or not. It has nothing to do with whether  having a military is good or bad. The fact is, we do, and they are out there giving all for their country. And if that's STILL something you can't understand, go find somewhere else to sob. I am a proud American and I support our troops.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


I've never been "the tall one" anywhere, EVER. I've always been diminutive in stature. It never really stopped me from doing shit though. Maybe it's a short person complex or whatever, but I didn't let my height/ size, or lack thereof, stop me from doing whatever the "bigger kids" were doing. Sometimes, I did great. Sometimes, I did okay. Sometimes, I failed because I couldn't keep up, I got the shit stomped out of me, I wasn't big and or tall enough. But I ALWAYS got kudos for tryin'.

In short: The world couldn't handle a "full sized version" of me with the proportionate amount of awesome. That'd just be WAY TOO MUCH awesome concentrated into one single area and the world would probably implode.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

You're Sorry

Alright guys. Here's the skinny, the down low, the 4-1-1.... Just DON'T have an argument with a woman. You don't understand and cannot even begin to comprehend "woman logic", man logic is stupid, and no matter what, you're a man and you're wrong.

Just apologize and move along. Sorry. Women are complicated like that. You might have been right, and even if you were, you weren't. Get over it. Shut up and be done....

Keep in mind though that if you DO decide to open your mouth again after you apologized, it is not continuing on with the conversation/ argument. You have just opened up a new dialogue/ argument and you will need to apologize again. That's just the way that shit works. Just sayin'.......

Friday, November 9, 2012


I can't exactly say that I'm not disappointed by the turn of events in this year's election. We're stuck with another four years of the same shit. Four more years of Obama pushing his "own" agendas, as would any other politician pushing theirs, I get that. But it seems clearer to me that Barry is trying to turn our system into something resembling socialism as opposed to keeping us remaining a true democracy. All the while, his wife, Michelle will continue to jet set all over the fucking world, with the Obama-lings, on America's dime, of course. Leaving most of us broke, going broke, or lying to ourselves that we're not, desperately scraping and scrounging to get by, as we wish for a better life. Great! It must be nice.                

So, here we are, a couple days after the election results are in and the determination has been made. Stocks have plummeted, the price of groceries is going up, we're bracing ourselves for what lies ahead and although we don't have the social unrest that was being threatened upon us had Bama NOT won (which some were kind of looking forward to.... I mean, come on! There probably weren't too many gun toting citizens who weren't thinking, "YAY! ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE TRAINING!!!!!" as they were stock piling ammo, dreaming of pegging off brainless looters and rioters, thus culling the population of some of the leeches and idiots that some call "liberals"...), I know I myself, was not planning on going out the day after election day anyway, regardless of the outcome. Seriously..... I wanted the dust to settle and things to calm the fuck down. Besides, we had that stupid snow storm Wednesday into Thursday, and because of Sandy, this past Wednesday was the kids' first day back at school and if  something were to have gone terribly awry, I wanted to be able to fly to the schools and get my children... <TANGENT ALERT!> It seems we're expecting nicer weather for the weekend though..... :s Pfft...... What the fuck am I talking about? This is New England. NO ONE can predict the weather around here. We may end up with beach weather or more snow...... Sorry.

And I have to admit that I am also very disappointed with the outcome of this year's election because I had real hope for real change. Not the bullshit "hope-y change-y" monkey fuckery that Obama had promised the last time around. You know... The monkey fuckery that resulted in where the fuck we are right now (which isn't as positive as it was made out to be in his bullshit campaign ads we were subjected to these last few months, mind you....), but for something really different. REAL change. Something that may have put our country back on track and moving back towards democracy. And honestly? To all those who really believe that socialism works, name me one area or country where it has worked out well for its people. I mean the common people, the middle class, as it were...... Please explain to me where "communism" didn't become much more corrupt than TRUE democracy and wasn't more corrupt to the point where hardships befell most ( and I am talking the vast majority ) of its people. I mean, don't get me wrong. I don't trust ANYONE given THAT MUCH POWER to begin with. But when you add together: people with THAT much power and the citizens allowing that same government with those people to make their decisions for them, mostly to benefit the powerful themselves, while letting what very little was left to trickle part of the way down, and where corruption was the only way to thrive.... Hmm...... I shudder to think. I'd really hate to think that we, as a people, are too stupid to make our own choices and need the government to make all of our choices for us.... And if you think that's NOT where we're heading, with Obama in office again, you're an idiot.

It's not to say that if Romney HAD won (although I still seriously question the legitimacy of Obama's "win"......), that magical rainbows would shine down from the skies and flying, unicorn ponies would cry tears of joy that would magically fix our nation's problems overnight. Where people would all miraculously become reasonably smart enough for me to believe that they were all actually capable of making intelligent and informed decisions. And, happy, happy magical hurray! 'Merica, FUCK YEAH! But honestly? The only real change was going to come if we ousted what caused the mistakes of this past go around in the first place, and we tried for something different. I mean REALLY different. Not, "give the guy another chance" so that he can "continue to move forward with his plans" and turning our country into a communist state that tolerates everything EXCEPT for the love of God and THIS country. This country, where, it seems, the liberties and freedoms for it's OWN people are lacking. Where the tolerance for AMERICANS to speak their minds and be heard and not have it be called a "hate crime" is unheard of.  As it were, right now, we are forced to tolerate non-Americans speaking their minds about how much they hate our country and Americans (as they continue to benefit from our government's hand outs, that they willingly receive, hand over fist....), and have ourselves be told, "It is their right to have and voice their opinions..." We stand now, where everyone BUT Americans seem to have more rights and liberties than Americans do. Yeah, and we move forward with these "slight changes"..... These changes would set back progress for the next guy in line quite a bit and trying to fix these problems is going to be a nightmare. THEN we're gonna see rioting! I mean,  seriously? What would Romney have been able to do? Maybe change a few little things here and there and fixing problems wherever, ALL while trying to enact what his version of what he believed government should be... Clusterfuck.

Sour grapes on my part? Perhaps. Although, I never threatened to riot and loot if my chosen candidate didn't win the election. I only hoped for the best and prepared for the worst. I will continue to prepare for the worst.

So, the re-elected guy will remain in office for another four years, with his questionable heritage (which he could have shut that shit down from the very GET GO with a big ole' FUCK YOU, and opened that shit up..... Well, if he had nothing to hide, that is....), his questionable morals (although, that can be said of ANY politician. Don't get me wrong. I REALLY don't trust ANY of them), and his questionable intentions for this country (as I STILL feel he doesn't love or even like the United States and everything that it represents....) and unless by some miracle, by some unseen hand of some holy deity, that brings forth some information or some unforeseeable happening, that comes forth or occurs before the inauguration takes place, SOMETHING that makes a second election necessary, perhaps with two different and maybe more "suitable" candidates for both sides.... The reality? Well, it is what it is. No amount of my bitching, ranting, screaming, crying, publicly blogging, nor social network complaining is going to change that. In short, it's done. Fine. I get it. Okay? I'll adjust.

Anyway, what's my point here? It is simply this. I know that I lean more to the right than to the dark side, although there are certain points of the "conservative" side that I don't agree with. Mostly things regarding my vagina and uterus. (Hey. It's my vagina. I'll make my own decisions about that shit, thank you very much!) And the gay marriage thing. Well... There are a couple more points that I take issue with, but that's not what I'm trying to get at right now. (Seriously. That subject would just open up a whole NEW set of rants, and.... Well, let's just not go there right now. Maybe later.) I am told that this all makes me a "libertarian" or a "republican lite". Whatever. I really don't think it should matter. I would hope that people would think they are AMERICANS first before deciding what's what and who's who. I think somewhere along the line, that all got lost. The nation has become divided again. Pro-this and Anti-that campaigns all over the place regarding ALL manner of shit, rallies and internal squabbles about ALL manner of other shit. One side blaming the other for all of our nation's woes. The rich keep getting richer and the poor are being fed by those stuck in the "middle class" as they struggle to keep themselves afloat......

That's really the reality of it all. And, let's face it. There is never going to be one "super messiah" who is going to come along and fix everything in a single year or even a single term as president. We're working off of an ALL AROUND broken system. I am talking about everything from the social structure to the education system to government to the financial pyramid. Top to bottom, bottom to top. EVERYTHING. And the further along we go, the more tattered and crumbling the system is becoming. NO ONE can blame any ONE politician for THAT shit. It's all cumulative. So for Obamites to blame Bush for our nation's woes? Where do we go from there? Who are ya gonna blame for the next four years ahead of us? Who do we get to blame when the next president takes office? It's ridiculous really and it's nothing more than a vicious circle. The next guy is only going to try "to fix what was left for him" or whatever, only to screw things up more because we've strayed quite a bit from what our original forefathers set forth for what our country should be. How our country should be governed. I get that times were different back when the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights were written, but the very basis of what these documents are and what they were meant to do has been quite skewed and have taken something of a different meaning, methinks. It was not an overnight transition, nor was it one man who singlehandedly fucked it all up. We may be ONE COUNTRY, but "united"? We act as squabbly, separated and we "sibling fight" worse than a family reunion at our house! (Yes, those evenings tend to fall to ruins in hell by the end of the night.) Yes.... Our nation has become a "dysfunctional family" at best.

And think about this: When it all does fall down, we're ALL going to be fucked the same way. Whether we are right, left, republican, democrat, libertarian, independent, a little of this, a little of that, republicans for Obama or whatever other democratic candidate, democrats for Romney or whatever other republican candidate (and I'm sure I'm missing all the other different flavors here), we're all STILL fucked the same way. Do you think it's going to matter what political affiliation you had? And is it really going to matter, under "whose watch" it happens in?  Fucked is fucked is fucked is fucked. And honestly? It's inevitable. It's gonna happen. Yup.... Just think about THAT one for a second, boys and girls..... And when it DOES happen, "The question is, do you possess the constitution, the depth of faith, to go as far as needed?" I, myself, have faith enough to believe that from whatever ashes are left, we, as AMERICANS, will rise to full glory again. I do. 

I'm sure I'll get more hate mail regarding this post, with people calling me "an idiot who doesn't know what she's talking about".... Yada, yada, yada..... It won't be the first time I've gotten hate mail, and I know it won't be the last. I've touched on sensitive subjects before (like this one, or this one or this one or this one or this one.  There are many other rants I've gone on regarding stupid people, obese people, and certain other people I am not supposed to mention because they'll get butt hurt). I got the "what the fuck?" mail then too. Seriously.... In all honestly, we ALL think about some of these things a lot. I just say them out loud because quite simply put, I really don't give a shit that people think I'm a loud mouthed, opinionated bitch. At least I'm honest about all this stuff and I really feel that this stuff needs to be said. And, it's not as if I haven't gotten more than my fair share of "You're an idiot!" mail before, and I'm sure I will continue to receive more as I continue to blog about all manner of things.

I have to say, I am rather disappointed by those haters who take the time to send me those "you're an idiot" letters though. I have yet to actually receive ANY mail from disagreers, who open up a dialog that clearly points out WHY they think I'm wrong, where I might be mistaken, and make clear, concise points to correct me if they are able to prove where I AM wrong using ACTUAL FACTS. Although there are those out there that will back up certain people's opinions that I'm a stupid idiot, I have yet to encounter a solid reason as to WHY they think I am, I mean other than the canned, "....because you're a stupid bitch!" answer. In my defense, I really am a reasonably intelligent individual. I promise. I only sound like an ignorant asshole because my grammar sucks, I am barely capable of stringing together words to form coherent sentences, and I like to exercise my right to use words like "fuck" and "cunt" and "shit" and get all creative with words to come up with things like "monkey fuckery" and "twat booger". What can I say.

Well..... <sigh> So? What is there left to do now? What can I possibly do? Well, hoping for the best didn't work, so I guess it's time for me to prepare for the worst. I mean, it's not like I haven't been doing that all along. We've been doing that here at our house for quite some time now.  Pfft..... Call me the "eternal pessimist" if you must, but I believe si vis pacem para bellum.  (If you don't know what that means, look it up. It's Latin...)  As much as I have FAITH IN MY COUNTRY, and I really do believe in the United States of America and all that it represents, as an American and as a patriot, I don't have too much faith in a lot of its other inhabitants. Especially the ones who don't belong here. Those who call themselves everything but "Americans", because they aren't, and are likely here illegally. They preach hate about the United States or AMERICANS or are just here, sucking up our resources. I say: Send them the fuck back home (and when I said: "don't belong here", I mean: if they hate it here and hate us so badly, and don't want to be a part of THIS country, then they can just go the fuck back to wherever it was that they came from and shut the fuck up). And then, of course, there is my favorite variety, whom I believe should just leave for parts unknown, outside the borders of the United States. The people who call themselves "Americans" but act as unpatriotic as any of our multitudes of illegals and haters (if not more so). You know? We could always just send those fuckers to wherever it is that they "sympathize" with, along with a hearty boot in the ass and a loud, "GOOD LUCK!" as we give them the one fingered salute. I could dwell on that subject, but I supposed it really wouldn't do me a whole hell of a lot of good anyway.

So now, in the meantime, the rest of the world truly starts with a single step out of my own front door. That's where all the rest of the world lays. Out there. So, before I send my children out into it, to make their own footprints, as it were, I have to start by teaching them, molding them, showing them and giving them the solid foundations to be strong, proud, upstanding Americans, and to be strong, proud, upstanding people, with knowledge and truth, and have their hearts set on what they should believe in and not waver from those beliefs. Truly guide them to be worthy of being part of the real "next generation", in their own ways instead of becoming lost in the herds of sheeple, so that they might truly be able to help lead us, AS AMERICANS, forward, towards what our great nation should be.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


I don't listen to the radio much and there are very few songs of today that I will recognize even if I do hear them on the radio.... But when I DO recognize the song, I get so happy that I start to sing along. Granted, all the words are wrong and I'm totally off key and it sounds terrible, but I will sing along. My kids are usually in the car with me when this is going on. The like having the radio on. I usually don't have it on if I'm in the car by myself.......

So here I am, singing the wrong lyrics, off key and off beat and my kids are singing along to the radio too.... And I realize, they're doing the same thing that I am...... AWESOME!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Day After.....

The dust settles and here we are..... I shall remain cocked, locked and ready to fly to get my kids and hunker down in the bunkers.....

Crap...... We lost. Another four years of socialist rule.......

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election day......

These are going to be my religions..... Well, maybe not Glock, but still....

This is the day when we, as American citizens, have to go and make the pilgrimages to the voting booths and decide the fate of the US for the next four years. Then at the end of the day, see whose smear campaigns worked out best and who won out in the popularity contest from hell. Hoo boy! I think I'm a little bit scared..... Buckle up bitches!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Something in the Air......

Today is election day eve..... Can you feel it? The future of the next for years for all Americans hangs in the balance..... We've been bombarded by ads and campaigns, all the opinions of people we know and don't know plastered all sorts of social media web sites, the arguments, the debates, the name calling, the mud slinging, propaganda mills churning. And here we are. Hoping for the best, expecting the worst. The countdown has begun.

Brace yourselves. No matter which way this goes,  it's gonna be a bumpy ride.....

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Aww! I love you too!

It's that special moment when you've gotten so comfortable with someone that pooping is "whatever".  You know..... You've reached a comfort level with someone and things like that aren't such a big deal any more. It's not just about the BEST of everything, but also in the not caring even if it's the pooping part. I mean, there's something endearing about being able to carry on a conversation with someone in the bathroom with you while you're pooping.

.....I know..... Quirk..... Whatever.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

I don't give a shit.....

I don't see why some people feel the need to make their problems everyone else's problems. You've met them. The eternal victims of circumstances and mean people. The whiners and complainers that don't DO anything to help themselves. They are the ones who sit in their pity pool of perpetual pathetic-ness. (Alliteration can be fun sometimes...) They are constantly whining about the egregious wrong that the universe itself has brought upon them. It's just not fair and everything is wrong in that person's life. Always angry about something, always needing to be miserable about something. Never happy about what's in front of them. They move on to the misery of the next bad thing that they can focus on. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It just never ends. "I can't believe that I got a spot of mud on my new shoes and THEN to top it off, the tip on my pencil broke when I was trying to fill out this thing I was supposed to have filled out about a month ago! I get hounded all the time for this two sheet thing that was handed to me a month ago and I just haven't had time because I'm so freaking busy feeling sorry for myself and making excuses for why I'm such a DOUCHEWAD! The universe hates me.........." <gag> Shut the fuck up. These assholes bring this shit on themselves.

If a thorough audit of their lives was done, I'm betting dollars to doughnuts that SOLID proof that it was their own faults too. But even then...... No. Instead they would like to keep blaming everything they do wrong on others and make sure that those around them know, it wasn't ever their fault. Nothing ever is. Pathetic. Liars are they all, with WAY too much to hide. It never really works out well for those type when they take on someone "bigger and stronger" and isn't afraid to say, "I really don't give a shit about your shit. Bring it somewhere else, like to your mom or something. Maybe she'll give a shit enough to help you come up with more excuses as to why it's not your fault and tell you everything is gonna be okay.

Stow it.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Despicable Me?

I'm not a complete idiot. I may not be some super genius either, but I function pretty well. So I guess I can say, "Reasonably intelligent by birth..."

Now, depending on what some believe to be the definition of "evil".... Maybe perhaps it is those who have tangled with me and have faced my wrath and lost who see me as this "evil". I mean, I suppose I can't play the hero and superstar in everybody's world. Sometimes I fill the role as the bitch or the arch nemesis. So I guess that would make me "evil" in other people's worlds.... But then again, I'm not going to change and try and please everyone either.... so fine. I guess it is a choice that I remain "evil"...

Some people really need to get the fuck over themselves......