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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Selfish purchase........

So, I have a confession to make. I bought something. It was a purely selfish purchase and I probably should not have spent the money, but I wanted it, I had to have it and I went out and did it. Now, before you go all "judge-y judgerton" on my ass, Puppy Guts will vouch for me and say, I am NOT a shopp-y person. I don't like shopping. It takes a shit ton of effort for me to go to the grocery store, and I do that out of necessity. I can't stand clothes shopping, shoe shopping, ANYTHING shopping.... I don't like it. It's mostly because I don't like people or being around them and interacting with them..... Anyway, so I did it. I went out to go shopping for a completely selfish purchase. I did. I went to Target with the youngest, who was home with me because she had been sick. After three days of being cooped up in the house, she NEEDED to get out. The little snooch scored a new dolly. Creepy looking thing, but hey. Whatever. She had a rough week and she loves her new dolly. Me? I got myself a new crockpot. I sat in the aisle and agonized over which brand and model and stuff. I compared and read all the boxes and compared some more...... Then I settled on the one. I got me a brand new 7 quart crockpot and made an amazing onion soup that Puppy Guts enjoyed thoroughly. I think it kind of made him forget to be a little to be mad that I spent the money on a new crockpot.... Either that or I made it worth it. Whatever.

Yup. That's right. I got myself a crockpot. Now that the weather is getting to be a bit more crisp, I wanted to be able to plan out all the nommy noms I can make with the new slow cooker. I used to have one, but it accidentally got destroyed maliciously during my divorce several years back. I've wanted another one since, but I just couldn't justify spending the money..... Well, I really couldn't justify spending the money now either, but I did it anyway. I'm such a selfish bitch. I will console myself with another helping of some hot, steamy goodness scooped from my selfish purchase. Mwa ha ha ha ha!!!!

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