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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

No....... CUPCAKE!

So, my new thing since my re-emergence from depression, I discovered that weeks of sitting around on the couch and being sedentary and eating nothing but microwaved pizza snacks have not been kind to my ass and I have become somewhat less than slender. So, I started doing this new fangled thing called exercising and working out. Now, I am told that it is "good for me", but I believe that to be lies. ALL LIES. Intervals and circuit training? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK??!?!?! They are arduous and torturous and downright sadistic. It HURTS!!!!! And hill sprints? Um.... No. Oh! And get this! With this "getting healthy" thing, did you KNOW that NO CUPCAKE??!?!?!?!?! NOT cool...... I mean, don't get me wrong. I cupcake. But it's more for the safety of the people near or around me. You're welcome. I mean, because, you know, I accidentally cupcake-d the other day, and by "accidentally" I mean, it happened to fall into my gaping face hole and to avoid choking on it, I om nom nommed it. Oops. On the other side of that and in my defense, I did hear that cupcake drowning is the third leading cause of accidental death in the United States, so...... my "accidental' om nom nomming of cupcake was justified. JUSTIFIED, thank you! Thanks for that tidbit of info, Chris.

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