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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

But, I AM an Asian driver........

When I'm driving around, especially if I'm maneuvering around in a parking lot, I'm usually saying things like, "Sorry! Driving while Asian! My bad...... Asian behind the wheel here..... Excuse me. I'm Asian....." out loud. It's mostly to myself really. It's just a thing. It's a habit. I don't mean anything by it. It's just how a Mia, do (said in my best Zefrank accent. If you don't know who Zefrank is, check out his youtube channel and watch the "True Facts" series. It's some funny shit!). Well anyway, I had my window open, and I was maneuvering the Pathfinder out of a parking spot and I was doing my thing. Me? I was minding my own business, trying to get my SUV's wide ass out of a spot that was made impossibly small by a close parker (someone who doesn't park between the lines of a space and parks too close to your car: AKA an asshole). Some lady heard me doing my thing there and she called me a racist. Wha? So, I stopped the car and leaned out the window and said, "Lady! :pointing to my own face: I'm Japanese. It's cool. Relax!" Then she said to me, "Well..... You're really not THAT Asian!" I'm not really sure why, but she got pretty offended when I asked her if she was high.

Alright..... Seriously now. There are a shit ton of reasons why someone would find me to be kind of racist. Although truth be told, does it really make me a racist if I pretty much hate everyone equally? I really think I'm more of a "speciesist" then a "racist" because I hate people, but I digress. Anyway, if you think about it, when I was saying, "Sorry! Driving while Asian! My bad...... Asian behind the wheel here..... Excuse me. I'm Asian.....", I was really only pointing out the obvious: Me = Asian, and that I was, in fact, behind the wheel of a motor vehicle and I was operating said motor vehicle. Now, it would seem to ME that SHE was the racist one because SHE was the one who inferred the negative connotations of "being an Asian behind the wheel of a car".  Whatever.

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