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Sunday, June 30, 2013


I'm really not all into holidays and shit. I mean I love Halloween and our flags are always proudly displayed on the Fourth, Memorial Day, Veteran's Day and Flag Day, but I'm really not one for the holidays. Meh, ya know? I mean, you have mother's day and father's day..... Quite honestly? To have to "remember them" only once a year? I mean, I'd trade mine in, in a heartbeat, for a gumball and a shoelace. No doubt. I just don't like the idea that honoring a parent should get a day. It really should be an everyday thing. Except if your parents are assholes. They shouldn't have a day at all.

Valentine's day is another that irks me. One day to show your significant other that you love them? One day to make it "special"? Pathetic. Every day should be one celebrated in love and showing appreciation to that special someone. That should go without saying. Some chocolates and a bunch of stupid flowers does not a special occasion make. It's about the every day intent and show of love.

Don't even get me started on April Fool's day.

Then we have the year end holidays. I DESPISE them. Other than the overindulging on the nommy, nommy food, I will find myself in a funk and hating everything. It's the time of year when people get "religious" and god and Jesus and crap, and I'm all "No." I hate everything about the holidays.

I'm going to start making up my own holidays and celebrating those. I mean, seriously? Most of those Hallmark holidays started that way anyway. I'm going to have holidays like, Eat a Shit Ton of BACON day, or Tell an Asshole, They're an Asshole day or Sit in Jammies and Eat Junk Food day and I'm going to celebrate the fuck out of them too!

Yeah.... the cogs are creaking and grinding as my mind concocts new holidays......

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