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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Is my insomnia "imagined"?

And so the great debate is, is it because of FACEBOOK that I can't sleep or is it that I can't sleep, so FACEBOOK? Hint: I have been suffering from insomnia since, like, BIRTH. WAY before FB. Is it that I have  a distraction that keeps me awake at night that has me obsessed to the point where I won't sleep? Or is it that I use social media or blogging to distract myself from the noises in my head, which I pray will quiet down with the distraction that I give it by feeding it this stuff so that I can sleep........  Don't know.

It's impossible to explain to someone what certain of my "afflictions" are. The OCD, the ADD, the chronic insomnia..... The insensitivity and the questions that start with, "Well, why can't you just...." It's because I CAN'T just....... I mean, if I could..... well, I wouldn't have much to blog about, would I? It sickens me sometimes to have to listen to people telling me that I should "just stop" and focus or "just stop" certain of my compulsive acts or "just stop" with the obsessive things or "just try" to quiet the noises and thoughts in my head through meditation and "just" go to sleep. Seriously?

And if that wasn't bad enough, I swear on all things holy, I am going to lose my shit if I have to listen to one more lecture from someone who doesn't understand my predicament about what I'm "supposed to do" and how I can help myself. I will probably go off on a tirade of epic proportions on the next person who tries to "explain" to me what it is that I am "suffering" from, when they themselves only understand the "textbook realities" and not the REAL realities.

Seriously. This is TRULY a case of, "If you've never walked a mile in my shoes...." Shut up. No.... Actually, shut THE FUCK up. Thank you.

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