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Wednesday, April 10, 2013


There is nothing worse than the feeling of being tired, sucking back cup after cup of coffee or some other caffeinated beverage, waiting for them to kick in because you have a busy day ahead of you. I hate that drag ass feeling as I try to be productive despite the lack of the caffeine dump that allows me to do things at super human speeds. And worse is when I HEAR the bed calling me back into its warm embrace with promises of cushy comfy goodness and sweet dreams.....

I like to imagine that there is some great battle going on inside me, where the righteous knights of caffeinated goodness are fighting off the evil overlords of all that is dark and tiredness. Some EPIC war of biblical proportions, going on, to see who will win out and prevail. And then discovering whether the winning side will end up using their powers for good or evil. The battles are nothing short of a bloodbath, but only one side can win.

Yes, I know. And yes, I am always like this. And no, you would not be able to handle a peek inside my head. You'd be traumatized for life, with a possible need for permanent institutionalization at a nut house. Ugh.... WORK CAFFEINE!!!!!! WORK!!!!!!!!

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