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Thursday, April 4, 2013

The affects of children.

Being around children affect people in different ways. Some people are very uncomfortable around kids. (It really amuses me to watch those kinds of people near or around children. Their discomfort makes me laugh....) Others are pretty comfortable around children. It's also interesting to see how "well suited" certain people are to being around children and how well they interact with them.

With that being said, there are plenty of teachers in our public schools, far too many of them, in my opinion, that really aren't suited for the task of teaching our children. I'm not quite sure whether it's because they hate their jobs or because they hate children or that they know it's a job where they have weekends and holidays off, and a nice long summer vacation with benefits and shit, or what, but there they are, drawing a salary being funded by the tax payers, while they take up space and sit and be useless.

All the while, the children are forced to take standardized tests, that really don't prove anything, and they are drawn away from the regular curriculums in order to get ready for these stupid, meaningless tests. Seriously? And what of the tests that those teaching our children? Why can't we test the fuck out of the teachers to see whether they are CAPABLE to teach our kids? Whether they are capable of doing so (WELL) and in a manner that is befitting their environments, i.e. around children of whatever age group....

I have come across, in the schools around here, FAR TOO OFTEN, "teachers" who just shouldn't be in an environment around children. Honestly. It sickens me. They really haven't a clue how to "handle children" and they are far too interested in making numbers and covering their asses and hiding behind policies and shit to really give a shit about what is most important. The children. Their educations. Their futures.... I would think that during the 7 or so hours we send them away, more people would question what the fuck is going on when our kids are away from us.

Naturally, we would LIKE to think that they are safe, they are taken care of, that their needs are being met and that their minds are being prepped for the next stage of their lives and beyond, but the sad reality is, it's not happening. Sure, there are those phenomenal teachers out there. Treasures, as it were, whom the kids will look back on some years from now and be able to say, "He / she was the best teacher I ever had EVER!!!!!" What I find to be so sad about this is the fact that it doesn't happen as often as it should. And sadder still is that BECAUSE it is our kids, shouldn't THAT be the standard for ALL the teachers in our school systems teaching our kids, striving to be the best teachers that any child will ever have?

Yeah.... Never thought I'd be the type to give this kind of shit any thought, but I suppose that all ended for me the first second I became a mom....

Fine. Rant over..... Just some food for thought really.....

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