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Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I can't even begin to imagine a childhood that didn't involve some kind of imagined "adventure" of one sort or another. I can't picture a child who doesn't have some sort of "imagination" that helps them to play pretend or whatever. Watching as children play pretend is just the most fun thing to see. It amuses me to no end.

Which brings me to grown ups who try to squash those very thigns in children. What the fuck? Children express themselves through play and are able to understand the world around them through expressive play. They are able to reconcile their daily lives through playing. And with imagination, they learn to become thinkers. They become innovators and inventors. They learn to think outside the box and become leaders instead of followers. It's very important to nurture a child's creativity and imagination by supplying them with whatever in order to spark more of their creativities and imaginations. I'm not talking about electronic gizmos of every variety and crap, but boxes and crayons and dolls and styrofoam shapes and bubble wrap and cotton balls and shit like that.

What the fuck is up now a days? I see far too many slack jawed kids, as young as toddlers, whiling away their time, eyes glazed over, staring into the screen of some brain numbing, IQ point sucking electronic device.... And I have to be honest, it freaks me out. I am NOT going to hear that "it's an educational game" either. They can learn things better by actually engaging in the REAL WORLD and interacting with REAL PEOPLE, but I get that's just the laziness on the part of the parent who, to buy themselves a few moments to a few HOURS of peace, will buy some over priced piece of crap zombie box and give it to their kids so their children would become otherwise engaged in something quiet and keeps them out of the way. Pathetic. WHY THE FUCK DID YOU PEOPLE HAVE KIDS TO BEGIN WITH??!?!?!?!?!?

And we seriously wonder what the fuck is happening to our children? "Bullying behavior", "attentional difficulties", fighting, slippages in grades..... Are you fucking serious? Kids are starting to forget how to deal with reality. Their attentions are focused on when they can get their next fix on their iDevices and other electronic gizmos that they really never needed. They have no idea how to interact with things or people in a real life scenario because their whole lives are spent on a virtual level on some stupid handheld device. And then for a parent to blame the schools (which I KNOW have their OWN SET OF negative issues, I get it), or the other parent (I mean, it must be the other parent because there's NO POSSIBLE WAY YOU could be doing something wrong.... Pfft!), or society ("They must have learned it on TV! Look what's going on in the world around them! Even in their schools!"). And then it's "OH MY GOD! It's depression! It's anxiety! They need to see a professional and talk their feelings out!" You're all a bunch of fucking idiots.

I refuse to allow my children to become followers. They get enough of that crap in school. Don't let the "system" fool you. They are only trying to create the next generation of sheep to lead to slaughter. The best way to arm the children is give them the means for them to be able to think for themselves. It starts by turning off the television and the electronic devices and actually have them use their minds and actually think for themselves. Just sayin'.......

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