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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Assault with a BREADLY weapon........

At the grocery store, I got assaulted. I got assaulted by an elderly woman. I got assaulted by an elderly woman with a loaf of bread. I got assaulted with a breadly weapon.

RYE, you may be asking, would I become a victim to such a crime? WHEAT could I have possibly done? Apparently, I was in her way. I felt CRUMBy about the whole incident afterwards. I will admit that the rest of my day was pretty much TOAST. I LOAFed around the house for the rest of the day. It wasn't exactly a SLICE of heaven. WHITE now, I have to say, the whole incident has been forgotten, but I still get kind of pissed about it. Don't BAGUETTE-ing upset on my account. I think I'm over it. As you can see, I am BAKING up tons of clever ways to joke about the whole incident. I'm RISING to the occasion. I'm DOUGHing my best to make light of it. I was going to take a picture of the old bat, but my cellphone only takes GRAINy photos. Besides, I KNEADed to get away from her before she hit me with anything else. I knew BUTTER than to stick around. YEASTerday is now immortalized in a blog post JAM packed with funny jokes. OVENtually, I will stop with these stupid jokes, but for the time being, I will continue. PAN you think of a better way to while away the time? Yes, I do believe the jokes are getting STALE now and I should probably stop. I thought I might end with a FLOURy poem of sorts, but I can't think of one now. I'm such a CUT UP! NOT TOASTED is the way I prefer my bread.

:shaking head: And I wonder why I don't have friends.....

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