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Sunday, April 14, 2013


You haven't really reached the point where you've EARNED the title of "MOM" until you have actually had to reprimand your child because of some misdeed where they REALLY merited punishment and you end up feeling like shit because you had dole out.

It really is a wretched feeling. I mean, on the one hand, if I don't reprimand my child for doing something rotten, I'd feel like crap for really NOT doing my job as a parent. I get it... But seriously? Having to have to be the "heavy" and dealing with a situation that ultimately results in some kind of reprimand and punishment isn't exactly fun and games either. :s

Consistency... I know.... My kids never came with an instruction manual and I feel like I'm winging it most of the time, but my goals for them are simple, and "knowing right from wrong" and knowing that there are consequences for misdeeds is one I know is important, so I carry on. Doesn't make it easy though, but certainly worth it.

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