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Friday, February 28, 2014

Happy Birthday, Little Man.....

I remember the time when you decided that you were going to start doing things by yourself. You learned all your letters. You learned numbers, shapes, colors. You learned to put the letters together and a=make words and you were reading at two years old. You didn't like the idea of being in the giant octagon and would hoist it up over your head to go exploring into the other areas of the house. You wanted to play along with your older brothers and you were going to do what you wanted to do.

Your imagination and creative grew as fast as your intelligence and by the time you were three years old, you were wondering why it was that you weren't going to school like your brothers were. Although you would have been capable.....

Now, you are in school, zipping along through your classes like a true champ and growing into a fine young man, full of curiosity and you haven't lost the insight and intelligence to see passed what was being taught, but beyond that, learning so much more than what's there in front of you. I am such a proud mama.

I hope you never lose all of those qualities and you continue to grow in leaps and bounds and become the amazing man I know you will someday be. In the meantime, don't forget that it's okay to keep on being mama's little boy too. You don't always have to be mama's little man. I love you always...XOXOX

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