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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

If I Ruled the World...

Okay, it would be scary for ANYONE to have that kind of power. I get it... But still, if I did, there'd be some MAJOR changes to a lot of different things. Seriously...
C'mon, we've all wished for that kind of power at one point in time in our lives, let's not kid ourselves. And of course, we all think we know what's best for the world and we'd be able to solve all the problems with a wave of the proverbial magic wand. I wish it were the case. In watching people and somewhat keeping up with the current events, the problems are a lot more grand scale than someone sitting in an office somewhere and making laws and scribbling down ideas and yada yada, narny narny boo boo can fix. Every individual person has their own set of problems and for one person to decide, "Hey! I've got the cure all for EVERYONE'S woes!" is just a bunch of bullshit. Sure, the things that would motivate me to make the world "a better place" are probably a lot different from what someone else is thinking. My ideas are simple ones...
I would want things like bacon vending machines...  Everywhere. How can you be sad when there's bacon? (Unless your Kosher... I can't help you there...) How about people being a lot nicer to everyone else. At least that way, I won't feel the need to slap most of the people I come across. A flat consumption tax on everything. No more income tax, property tax, tax, tax, tax... Shit, there's tax on just about everything! Just one flat tax and IRS agents can go work for the Peace Corps or something. "Slap a Liberal!" day... "Slap a Conservative!" day... (Hey, let's be fair...) How about we make the "system" a little more geared towards Americans not looking for a free ride, not looking to fuck the system and just need a hand up, not a hand out.
And math... What the FUCK is up with this "new math" thing and it not being about the fucking answer, but the "journey" to get to the answer shit? Math is a universal language. No matter where you go, one and one is two. The answer is two. No matter where you go, the answer is TWO! Who gives a shit about the journey of getting to two. "You have to understand the concepts in order to get to the answer and you have to SHOW that you understand it by being able to SHOW the journey..."
Bullshit! As long as the fucking answer is right, what difference does it make HOW I got there? It's obvious that the concept is understood if the answer is right! Don't tell me I'm wrong because it wasn't the "preferred method".
You know what? Just... Fuck you! Just let me rule the world. It'll be a'ight!

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