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Monday, February 3, 2014

TAH DAH!!!!!!

Yeah, so I'm back. Did ya miss me? Not really? Okay. Anyway, to recap what's been going on over the last couple weeks since I took some time: Yada, yada, yada, my birthday, yada, yada, I'm looking for a job, yada, yada, I ran across assholes, I told people off, I spread my sarcasm onto the world, my brain kept doing it's thing, I remembered to keep breathing, the world kept spinning, the sun kept rising and setting, day became night became day became night and so on, yada, yada, fucking groundhog saw his shadow and now there's a shit ton of snow outside. YAY WINTER!

Anyway, the content really isn't going to improve or anything. Neither is the writing. It'll still continue to be the same dribble that you've been seeing here since I began this blog. I may or may not be on every day like I have been. But I'll be around. I'm still just a chimp with a keyboard and WAY too much going on inside my pea brain and this is a great outlet for me to get it all out there. WOO HOO!!!!! Thanks for stopping by!

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