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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Let it go.......

An open letter to the guy confronting his significant other in the parking lot at the grocery store:
I am sorry you discovered that your girlfriend of three months turned out to be nothing more than a "fucking dirty tramp, nasty, whore bag". I'm not really sure that I (or the other people just trying to get into the store and go about our business) needed to hear about how she told you she "ain't never been done like that before" as you proceeded to graphically describe where you put your tongue and where you jammed your penis and :shudder:  other stuff...... She did "do you wrong like that" if she was "messin' with Jaykwon (I have no idea how to spell it...)" when she was supposed to be with you. Let it go. Let her go. Hold onto to your pride man. Laying on the ground at her feet in the slush and snow and ice and sand and salt, groveling as she laughed and walked away is lower than low. 

And as a side note, perhaps a different venue would have been more appropriate to confront the woman whom you thought was your soul mate. Maybe a more private setting. Seriously. It's tough explaining to a small child how or why certain of body parts go into others and "do stuff". There is really no taking back those words or having a curious child UN-hear them. Seriously dude. There are other fish in the sea. Better luck next time buddy. Fucking idiot. 

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