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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Puppy Guts had a tooth boo boo....

I had to take Puppy Guts to the dentist to get his one and only wisdom tooth removed. It affected a couple of other teeth, which, consequently, had to be removed too. In order to accomplish the teeth extraction, he had to be sedated...... For the first time in his life. Now, considering how the eldest of the brood reacted to HIS sedation, Guts was afraid he might wake up dazed and confused, which could be a dangerous thing considering his size, strength, training and street experience. The doc explained to Guts that it wasn't a full out general he was being given. It was something called a "twilight" sedation. Of course My Puppy Guts responds by saying, "I swear, if I wake up a sparkly, gay vampire, you will never be dead enough....." Then it was lights out, night-night.

Well, it turned out that, although dazed and confused, he was about as dangerous as a three year old ballerina. Why do I say this? Not sparkly, certainly not gay and not a vampire either. Just a fluttery wobbly ballerina..... I managed to get him into the car, at which point, I drove him to the nearest CVS to get his scripts filled. Pain meds, antibiotics and some super medicated mouthwash. While we were waiting for the meds to be filled, he flitted along the aisles in this fluttery movement. His giant head flopped around, leading the rest of his muscular body around, as his arms sort of flopped and waved behind him...... I guessed that it was his drugged mind's version of Swan Lake. It wasn't graceful and he did bump into a few things and I did have to explain to the other patrons that he was still feeling the effects of the sedation from an oral surgery. People didn't seem to mind. They just moved out of his way and enjoyed the show..... It was absolutely adorable. Not long after, I got him home, gave him some soup, dosed him with some pain pills, and an antibiotic, and tucked him into bed. He insists that I may have bricked him in the temple, judging by the way his lights went out. Several hours later, we were back downstairs on the couch and enjoying some time together until it was bedtime for Bonzo again. I put him to bed PROPAH, which he thoroughly enjoyed, and I thoroughly enjoyed, and we went to sleep. I stayed vigilant all night to make sure that he kept comfortable and all his needs were met throughout the night. and he survived his first night.... It was pretty awesome having my Puppy Guts waking up next to me, a little puffy in the face and say, "Thank you for taking great care of me, Kitten.... I love you so much!"

You are always very welcome, Puppy Guts. I love you too. With everything that I am. I'll get you some more soup now.......

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