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Friday, February 21, 2014

Drunk people...

Seriously... I understand the whole wanting a beer after a day of work... Sometimes, nothing beats sitting down with a cold brew... But c'mon... We've all been to an establishment or a party where there is the one super drunk idiot who's either doing something outrageously stupid/ dangerous, but it's downright amusing to watch as the events unfold and ultimately, the drunken bastard is puking in the parking lot or is on their face or is beaten because they were obnoxious drunks. Maybe it's a combination of all three. (Still amusing to watch by the way...) Then these people have the nerve to get behind he wheel of a car and drive around? (They weren't beaten well enough, I say.)
Sure, drunk people are amusing to watch as long as you don't have to interact with them. At least that's the way I feel about it. Then, let them pass out. At the end of the night, chain them to a tree or something and really fuck with them by smearing grass and mud into their hair, stomach and knees, tie a goat to the tree next to them, empty a jar of lube into the back of their pants, then kick 'em in the "'tain't" (it 'tain't their ass and it 'tain't their crotch... The 'Tain't) and place the empty jar nearby,  slap a condom... on the goat's horns, let them sober up and as they wake up, start chanting "GOAT BITCH!". (Let them think the word "headbutt" has a whole new meaning!)

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