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Monday, March 12, 2012


The group hug: There is something about the hugging within a group that brings together a closeness with people. It symbolizes a camaraderie or a bond of dissimilar people who just shared a common moment. It's a nice little moment shared by people... It's a warmth, a small little measure of humanity, a something.

It's a lot like that experiment done some time ago on a crowded subway train. One person started laughing for what appeared to be no reason. Within minutes, the whole compartment of people were laughing along with her. A whole bunch of stranger from all walks of life and here they were sharing a moment with each other and laughing together. Likely, they would never see each other again, but it would be an experience they may never forget. Certain things like this, certain moments, certain segment in our lives that seem so insignificant, but can mean so much at the same time. It seems such a shame that people don't take the time to see them or enjoy them or whatever more often.
A random thought really....

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