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Saturday, March 24, 2012

What if there was no box?

I do my best to get my children to think differently and be people who can think outside of the box. I have always tried to nurture their creativity and imaginations so that they can use it to be people who can come up with bigger, better EVERYTHING. They are bright individuals and are learning very quickly that sometimes thinking outside of the box is very useful in their day to day lives. With that being said, it's VERY difficult to get them away from following the pop culture icons and ads they see on tv trying to steer them towards the next idea of what cool is, and the peer pressure that they must encounter at school and blah, blah, blah....
It's difficult to get them outside the box when all of their peers and everything that they are constantly bombarded with is so far inside the box. I think it's every parents' duty to get their children to start thinking for themselves. It's an unfortunate thing that most parents will enable the boxed behaviors by letting their children get sucked into the "mainstream" and allowing their children to become so cookie cutter. Blech....
My hopes for my children is that they grow up to be thinking individuals who can go far beyond mediocre and not be sheep, I want them to be able to see passed the bullshit and not get caught up in the petty and mundane and go far beyond, to create the trends, to be the ones that people look up to, worthy of their admiration. In the meantime, I have much work to do.

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