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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Hey fans and not so fans....

Okay Boo Boos..... Here's the deal-y..... I have some life things that I have been attending to, and they are now requiring my FULL and undivided attention at the moment. Now, don't y'all fret and don't y'all frown! I will make a triumphant return with glorious, insightful, witty, intelligent posts (well.... not really....) again really soon. In the meantime, go on and read back through.....

Here are some of MY faves.... (Yes, I realize that I "favorite-d" my own blog posts..... ): There's THIS one or THIS one about yours truly,  or THIS gem, my PLANS to take over the world, some helpful ADVICE, some serious THOUGHTS, some insight into the inner machinations of my MIND, insights into my FAMILY, my thoughts on FOODMARRIAGE, TRAFFIC, LIFE, some LESSONS I've learned, how life can be CRUEL at times, and sometimes NOT. There's a whole shit ton of posts that basically range from poignant to inane, seemingly intelligent to absolute dribble, all depending on what my caffeine intake was, where on the scale my weirdness index was and how diminutive my attention span was.

I'll just be needing a little time off while I go deal with the world at large. Stay tuned and check back in, in a couple of weeks. And just in case I haven't returned by then, I wish y'all a happy <year end holiday of your choice>, and a big BAH HUMBUG from yours truly.

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