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Friday, December 5, 2014


What is it about the human mind that makes us crave something so badly that it almost becomes something like borderline obsession? Cravings happen sometimes. You could be sitting there and all of a sudden BLAM! TACOS! And that's all you can think about.... Crunchy, meaty, tasty, delicious, "the works" taco. MMmmmmmm..... Or like, you're in the middle of doing something important, totally not thinking of food and WHAMMO! PAN SEARED STEAK BRAISED IN A RED WINE REDUCTION WITH FRESH HERBS AND GARLIC AND ONIONS AND MAYBE A LITTLE BROTH TO JUICE OUT THE REDUCTION AND HAVE IT ALL WITH A LOAF OF ROASTED GARLIC CIABATTA BREAD AND..... And your attention is completely on whatever it is you're fantasizing about nomming and the recipe keeps getting more complex as you sit there drooling on yourself....

PMS cravings are worse.... Well, at least for me they are. I usually don't feel like doing anything, so I pool all the energy and "care" into making sure that I do everything for the kids and by the time I'm done with that, I'm left to sit and dream nom because I'm not gonna make what I'm craving...

Pregnancy cravings.... OMG Those are wretched too.... I mean, there were your cravings that nagged at you until you got what you were craving, then you had your ANTI- cravings that the mere thought of that food made you throw up...Blech.....

Cravings are the oddest thing, I swear! What possesses the mind to DO that? It's so random and stupid, but once it takes hold, that takes up 90% of your thought processes and.... what the fuck? SHAZAM! TUNA MELT ON RYE! Dammit! Gotta go....

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