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Sunday, December 7, 2014


It's not that I don't have faith, but I see myself more as "spiritual" than "religious". What's the difference? Well, in MY opinion, spiritual is knowing that there is probably a higher power than myself out there, be it god or gods or super intelligent aliens from a different galaxy. Something. I believe something is out there.

Religious, well, to me anyway, is being an unquestioning sheep, subjugated to never ending rites and rituals that really don't mean anything to the people except that they have to be done. Religious implies to me, the constant conflicting information even within the same "religions" using the same "spiritual guides" that everyone seems to think their version is right and everyone else is going to hell. Religious is going through the motions of their "religion", but without the intent or having any kind of spiritual connection to it. Everyone is trying to justify why it is that their version is the right one.

Now, I'm not completely without some "education". I'm not completely ignorant on the different religions. I actually took interest, purely on a intellectual level, about the different religions and their belief systems and shit like that. The one that I find to have the most amount of inconsistencies are the bible based sects.... Everything from the Old Testament based religions to the New Testament ones. I mean, think about it... The most common world issues.... Christianity/ Catholicism, islamabullshit, Judaism. It all stems from the same fucking place, but each couldn't be more different from each other and each will claim that THEY are the ones who have it right. They fight and kill and die in the name of their god, all for what? I kinda doubt that when this/ these religion(s) were made up by the people, the supposed deity or deities receiving worship from the masses had this crap in mind. The "message" may have gotten a bit skewed or misinterpreted. But when you sprinkle in the imperfections of the human race.....

What you end up with yet another way to reign over the people using fear and abject subjugation. The soft headed masses turn up to their "houses of worship" of whatever flavor and get preached to by, basically, a self appointed important person to "lead the mass" or whatever for fear that they might end up in a made up land of unimaginable suffering and torture. (Oh my BACON! They end up at my parents' house?)

Then you get the fucktards who say they love their religion, or claim to be of a specific religious affiliation, but only go to their house of worship MAYBE once a year because of something they were invited to, like a wedding or a something or another or because of some holiday. For those catholic-y christian flavored folks, Easter and Christmas are usually the two biggest. They push their "religion" onto their children by subjecting them to years of church school or whatever (I thought it was called "cataclysm", but it's "catechism".... six of one, half dozen of another....) but what are they really teaching them? These poor kids are forced to go through the stupid rites and rituals because "that's what we do".... And yet where is the spirituality? They are basically taught that their god is everywhere and that if they're bad, they'll be punished (kinda like Santa Claus....) and that some middle-aged white guy was sacrificed by his dad for everyone in the world and got himself stapled to a wooden pole and died. Retarded at best. Then, they grow up without the most important thing. The faith and spirituality. It sort of all gets lost. Then they raise another generation of kids being told, "because that's what we do..."

Religion is probably one of the more touchy things to get conversational about. That and politics, which is the reason why I don't get involved too often. I just wanted to put my feelings about this out there a little bit is all......

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